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How To Create Realistic Aged Cloud Text Effect In Photoshop.

Tutorial Name: How To Create Realistic Aged Cloud Text Effect In Photoshop.  

Category: Graphics Tutorials

Submitted By: Nissan

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Comments: 4

Views: 674

Related Forum: Graphics Forum


How To Create Realistic, Aged Cloud Text Effect Using Photoshop Brushes.

What We Will Be Making

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Before We Begin

This tutorial relies heavily on our [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] , which contains 12 super high resolution cloud brushes.

I understand not everyone needs commercially licensed brushes, so I put together this pack of [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] for personal use only so anyone can follow along and learn some new techniques.

Step 1

Create a new document with dimensions of 1920 x 1280 pixels. Unlock the background layer and fill it with black.

Create your title text using [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] in white, then set the Opacity to 25%.

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Step 2

Load your cloud brushes into Photoshop, select the brush tool (b), and set your paint color to white.

Select one of your cloud brushes and use the [ and ] keys to decrease or increase the size of the brush until it will fit nicely along some of the horizontal strokes of the text.

Create a new layer and paint a few copies of your brush on top of your text.

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Step 3

Repeat this process using more of your cloud brushes. You can flip, resize, and rotate your brushes in the Brush palette to add variation as you paint.

I highly recommend that with every few brush strokes you make, you create a new layer. That way if you paint an area that you don't like, you can fix it later without having to delete a huge chunk of your text.

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Once you have painted all of your clouds, hide your original text layer by clicking the eyeball icon next to your text layer in the Layers palette.

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Step 4

Create a new layer on top of everything else, and using a regular, soft round brush, paint over the top of your cloud text using white.

Set the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add) and the Opacity to 15%.

Below is what your new layer should look like with all the other ones turned off. It's very subtle, but will help soften our cloudy text.

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Step 5

Find the background that you want to use. We used a free one from the [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] .

Crop and resize your cloud background to 1920 x 1280, and paste it into your document just above the black background layer.

Apply the following Layer Style settings to give it some extra depth.

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You should end up with something similar to the image below.

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Step 6

Duplicate the soft white brush layer you created in step 4 and move it just above your cloud background in the Layers palette.

Set the Opacity to 100% and the Fill to 0% in the Layers palette.

Apply the following Layer Style settings to create a subtle shadow that will help our cloud text stand out from the background.

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You should end up with something similar to the image below.

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Step 7

Create some subtext using [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] in white.

Set the Opacity to 90% in the Layers palette and apply the following Layer Style settings.

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You should end up with something similar to the image below.


Step 8

To give our image a more aged, retro look, create a new layer above all the rest and fill it with any color.

Set the Fill to 0% in the Layers palette and apply the following Layer Style settings, using the color #FFA800.

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Final Image

That's it! This method might take a little extra time, but can be used for anything, including your website, printed materials, Facebook cover photos, and more.

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"How To Create Realistic Aged Cloud Text Effect In Photoshop." :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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I've never realised it was so easy as that, that's actually pretty cool! Might have to add this to my idea bank ;)


The best tut make I've seen so far very detailed tuts from nissan thanks bro !


Honestly keep this photoshop tuts coming. Making great use of them all so far.


Great tutorial, really informative!