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Pokemon Sun & Moon guide: QR scanner codes for every Pokemon

Tutorial Name: Pokemon Sun & Moon guide: QR scanner codes for every Pokemon  

Category: Game Walkthroughs & Guides

Submitted By: Sean

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Pokemon Sun & Moon guide: QR scanner codes for every Pokemon in the Alola Pokedex
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Once youre a little way through Pokemon Sun and Moon youre going to have an interesting feature pop up in your Pokedex. It can be found on the second page of the bottom screen.

This option, the QR Scanner, allows you to use the Nintendo 3DS cameras to scan QR codes out in the world. What weve discovered playing the game prior to release is that you can scan just about any QR code and the game will read it. Even if the QR data is nothing to do with Pokemon Sun & Moon the game will crunch some numbers and give you something for it.

More useful than this, however, is that every single Pokemon in Pokemon Sun & Moons Pokedex has its own unique QR code. This can be scanned in the QR scanner to help fill in your Pokedex. Once something is in your Pokedex in this manner, you can use your Pokedex to see exactly where in Alola, if anywhere, this Pokemon might spawn.

Pokemon Sun & Moon: Using QR codes to force rare Pokemon to Spawn

The QR code system does have one other major advantage: every ten codes you scan youll be able to run an Island Scan. Running this scans the island youre currently on and finds/spawns a rare Pokemon that usually cant be found in Alola in real terms making it spawn on that island.

This basically means you can catch Pokemon that arent found in Alola normally in the wild, though its limited. You can only scan 10 QR codes a day and you only get one attempt to catch that Pokemon, so be careful.

Youll also want to be careful and considerate of where you use your Island Scan. If you use it on Melemele island, the first, youre going to find lower-level Pokemon. Ive been able to find the likes of Charmander, Torchic, Bulbasaur and Totodile this way. If you do it on later islands, levels will also correspond. Youll want to make sure you have full access to an island via the story too the spawn only lasts 1 hour, and if it spawns in a location youre yet to reach youll essentially be out of luck.

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Woah, this is spectacular. Thanks a lot