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How to Create ICON1.pam (Video Icon)

Tutorial Name: How to Create ICON1.pam (Video Icon)  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Ella

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Views: 2,435

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Download link for custom Showtime.pkg - [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

The things you will need:

PAMF Tools - [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

A 1920x1080 video fileencoded with oneof thesecodecs YUY2, UYVY, RGB24, Huff-YUV and DV-AVI type1/type2

To start install PAMFTools then open up the PS3StreamComposer and create a new project by clicking new or Ctrl+N. Name your project then click next.

On thext screen we use the default settingsso just clicknext.Now we want to add a video to the project so click Video Source from the top toolbar and then open up the video you want.

Also highlight your clip to make sure the codec matches.

Next we need to re-size the video to 320x176 to do this clickFilterSettingsfrom thetop tool bar then click setting... in the size section. Change the width to 320, the height to 176 and add black bottom to 0.Click update then ok.

Click ok to finishwith filter settings. Now we need to adjust some settings so the PS3 reads the file correctly so click video enc setting on thetop toolbarthen adjustthesettingsto match these

Click advanced to changesomemore settings that match these (don't forget the Entropy Coding it's important)

Click ok to finishwith video enc settings.Wearereadyto run theprogram but firstwe needto check/tick Create EP Map. To do this go to run in the menu bar and click Create EP Map (again reallyimportant to this process).

Now we just go to run and click Encode + Multipex + PAMF compose.

Once completed the .pam file will beloacated in your Documents directory folder like this C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\PLAYSTATION(R)3 Stream Composer\MuxWork\YOURPROJECTNAME\YOURCLIPNAME\

You can open your .pam video with the PS3StreamViewer to see the result. To use it on the PS3 simply re-name to ICON1.PAM and ftp(dev_blindnot needed)into thehomebrew/game/gamedata/savedataof your chioce (same folder as PARAM.SFO/ICON0.PNG). You can always make a package to install the ICON1.PAM if you know how.


There is a 2.4MB limitation forICON1.PAM. Ifyou areusing SND0.AT3 also thiswill beincluded with the 2.4MB limit. The simple equasion is ICON1.PAM + SND0.AT3 = 2.4MB limit.

There is a way to make the ICON1.PAM filesizesmallerwithoutchanging the video clip being used. You do this by lowering the value of the average and peak bitrate in the Video Enc Setting.

You can only use ICON1.PAM in the game category.

Have fun and enjoy making custom video icon files for homebrew and of course your backed up games.


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