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How to Change XMB Wave Animation

Tutorial Name: How to Change XMB Wave Animation  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Ella

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Views: 3,023

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum



  • Hex Editor
  • Simplyzip [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
  • Notepad ++
  • lines.qrc from your dev_flash files (make a backup copy)
  • PS3 wave edit quick start.zip [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]


This tutorial will show you the basics to get you started editing your PS3 XMB wave. If you have edited a dynamic theme background manually you will find this tutorial very easy.

First we need to decompress lines.qrc with Simplyzip. But before we open Simplyzip we need to open the lines.qrc file with a hex editor and delete the first part like this.

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Then save, so you end up with this.

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Now we open up Simplyzip and go to External prog then ZLIB (pack/unpack) locate the file and click decompress. You will then end up with a file called lines in the same directory as lines.qrc. This new file lines is the file we need to edit.

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Now extract my PS3 wave edit quick start folder.zip. You will see some files which I have manually extracted from lines.

Okay so you want to change 1 of the 12 background colors to a color/pattern. Each color represents a different month. So lets change 01.rgb.dds (January). Load up the dds file in photoshop, change the color/pattern and save as these dds settings (the file size has to match).

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Also you will notice that is the image is only small (the ps3 streches the image out).

If you wanted to change the original color just edit 1 of the night-**.dds colors for the current month. For example 08.night.dds (August). So the difference between rgb-**.dds and night-**.dds is that rgb-**.dds is used by a PS3 theme or when selected and night-**.dds is used when original is selected for color.

To add a new background color we have to insert the edited background color into lines. We do this by opening both lines and the edited file in the hex editor, copying all of the edited file and pasting at the correct offset (see offsets.txt).

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If you wanted to edit the PS3 wave that is a little more advanced. Open wave settings info.js (compare to help) and wave settings.js (this is not a javascript file I put the extension in because you can read it better) with notepad++. I dont have alot of info on which part does which, but you can play around with the script and I will update wave settings info.js soon. Make sure when you edit this file if you delete 1 number/character you put another 1 back in (the file size has to match).

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To edit the XMB background wave edit the override/black/LINE1.MNU section in the script and for coldboot wave edit the override/coldboot1/LINE1.MNU section in the script.

You have now edited what you need. Just insert the same way as a background color but with the wave settings.js offset.

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When you have finished all of your editing you need to compress the lines file. First you go to Simplyzip. Select External progs then ZLIB (pack/unpack) and open your edited lines file and click compress.

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You will now have a file called lines.zlp in the same directory as you edited lines file. The next thing you need to do so the file works is add the lines.zlp 8 byte hex start from my PS3 wave quick start folder to the begining of the file with the hex editor (insert mode then paste).

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Save the file and the start should look like this.

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The final thing is to rename the file lines.zlp to lines.qrc.

Now your file is ready to be used/tested. I personally test with Jaicrabs usb firmware loader v0.3 first (you cant test your coldboot wave), then if everthing is good I use dev_blind to copy to my dev_flash permanently.

Please note I will not be responsible if you mess up your PS3.


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