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Call Of Duty 4 - How to code a patch

Tutorial Name: Call Of Duty 4 - How to code a patch  

Category: Mobile Devices

Submitted By: Sega

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Comments: 2

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How To make your Own Menu

First off, you need the following...
- ff.viewer
- a Patch

Getting To The Right Section To Get Started...

1) Open your Clean Patch up in FF.Viewer

2) Look to the left side and see that there a variety of sections, click on the first one and it should be clean...

Title of it: patch/made/by/__/NITRAM__.gsc

NOTE: If you need more space, got to the second section...

Getting Started...

Every menu has this at the top, '#include common_scripts\utility;'
'#include maps\mp\_utility;'

This will load up whatever it includes, so put the right ones into that section...

NOTE: If you ran out of space and added more into the second sections, always add that section into the top ^.

Making The Thread...

FastFile() ---- This will be the name of the thread... Make it whatever you want, but you need to edit in the 3rd section of the patch on the left... (We'll get into that later on)
self setClientDvar("ui_mapname","mp_bog;bind button_back bind dpad_up vstr menu;bind apad_up vstr lol;cg_chatHeight 5;cg_chatTime30000;cg_hudChatPosition 250 250");
self setClientDvar("lol","sv_cheats 1;g_TeamName_Allies ^3TheTechGame.com;g_TeamName_Axis ^6TTG;g_TeamIcon_Allies killiconsuicide;g_TeamIcon_Axis killiconcrush");
self setClientDvar("menu","bind dpad_up vstr open;sv_cheats 1;g_TeamName_Allies ^3TheTechGame.com;g_TeamName_Axis ^6TTGBROSKI;g_TeamIcon_Allies killiconsuicide;g_TeamIcon_Axis killiconcrush;bind button_lshldr vstr up;bind button_rshldr vstr down;bind button_a vstr select;bind button_b vstr exit");
self setClientDvar("open","vstr primary1"); ---- This is the beginning of every menu... You can edit the maps, the cmds, etc.

Understanding self setClientDvars...

self setClientDvar is what most people use to start off the beginning of menus...

So then we do...

self setClientDvar("primary1"," The '("primary1"," is what it's gonna load up first since i made it where it starts that part first when activating the Dpad.

NOTE: Doesn't HAVE to be primary1, it can be like dude1, hey1, etc. Just as long as it's matching the top...

Understanding Vstrs....

Vstrs are where it cmds it to do whatever you have it set commanded.

Example with self setClientDvar...

self setClientDvar("primary1","set down vstr primary2 --- set down vstr primary2 means that it will go down to the second menu when you press the specific button...

NOTE: ALWAYS put a ; after each part AND ALWAYS put a 'wait 1;' under the menu before making it link to something...

Now we want to make it where it goes back up from the primary2 to primary1 instead of being stuck there.

self setClientDvar("primary2","set down vstr primary1;set up vstr primary1;^4Menu_Here;

This will go back up + it has a name for the menu, you can enter whatever you want there, just always space with the _, not a regular Space.

Now we need a cmd where it will activate that menu and open it.

self setClientDvar("primary1","set down primary2","set up vstr primary2;^4Random_Stuff_Here;set select vstr namehere1;

set select is where if you click 'A', it will be activated and will go to whatever you put namehere1 at (We'll get to that later), but we still need a menu close button...

self setClientDvar("primary1","set down primary2","set up vstr primary2;^4Random_Stuff_Here;set select vstr namehere1;set exit vstr done");

Now the first menu is completed, it does the following when pressed a certain button...
Goes Up
Goes Down
Executes a dvar

Linking The Menu To Another Part...

We need a namehere1 string here or the menu is pointless ;)

NOTE: You can make this a Dvar activation, or a sub menu...

Sub Menu Example:
self setClientDvar("namehere1","set down vstr namehere1;set up namehere1;^4Sub_Menu_Here;set select vstr whatever1;set exit vstr done");

Dvar Example For Laser:
self setClientDvar("namehere1","cg_ForceLaserOn 1");

NOTE: You can keep doing this for sub menu's, but once you get to a dvar point, that's the end of that part.

Example of my menu i made in under 3 minutes.

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;

self setClientDvar("ui_mapname","mp_bog;bind button_back bind dpad_up vstr menu;bind apad_up vstr lol;cg_chatHeight 5;cg_chatTime30000;cg_hudChatPosition 250 250");
self setClientDvar("lol","sv_cheats 1;g_TeamName_Allies ^3TheTechGame.com;g_TeamName_Axis ^6TTG;g_TeamIcon_Allies killiconsuicide;g_TeamIcon_Axis killiconcrush");
self setClientDvar("menu","bind dpad_up vstr open;sv_cheats 1;g_TeamName_Allies ^3TheTechGame.com;g_TeamName_Axis ^6TTGBROSKI;g_TeamIcon_Allies killiconsuicide;g_TeamIcon_Axis killiconcrush;bind button_lshldr vstr up;bind button_rshldr vstr down;bind button_a vstr select;bind button_b vstr exit");
self setClientDvar("open","vstr primary1");
wait 1;
self setClientDvar("primary1","set down vstr primary1;set up vstr primary1;^1Toggle_Laser;set select vstr laser1;set exit vstr done");
wait 1;
self setClientDvar("laser1","toggle cg_LaserForceOn 1 0");

Ending The Menu...

self setClientDvar("done","^1Menu_Closed;cg_chatTime 1;bind dpad_down vstr menu;bind button_lshldr +smoke;bind button_rshldr +frag;bind dpad_up +actionslot 1;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;bind dpad_left +actionslot 3");
} ---Ends the script

That will close the menu after going to a part where it has 'set back vstr done' as it's end.

Just put this in the end of the menu like...

wait 1;
self setClientDvar("done","^1Menu_Closed;cg_chatTime 1;bind dpad_down vstr menu;bind button_lshldr +smoke;bind button_rshldr +frag;bind dpad_up +actionslot 1;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;bind dpad_left +actionslot 3");
} --- This is what you need too


DM Recharges's Dvar List:


bind BUTTON_RTRIG (Right Trigger)
bind BUTTON_LTRIG (Left Trigger)
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR (Right Bumper)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR (Left Bumper)
bind BUTTON_RSTICK (Right Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_LSTICK (Left Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_A (A)
bind BUTTON_B (
bind BUTTON_X (X)
bind BUTTON_Y (Y)
bind DPAD_UP (DPAD Up)
bind DPAD_DOWN (DPAD Down)
bind DPAD_LEFT (DPAD Left)
bind DPAD_RIGHT (DPAD Right)
bind APAD_UP (Left Stick Up)
bind APAD_DOWN (Left Stick Down)
bind APAD_LEFT (Left Stick Left)
bind APAD_RIGHT (Left Stick Right)
bind BUTTON_BACK (Back)
bind BUTTON_START (Start)

--Custom classes--

Custom Classes
customclass1 ^1This will be Red;
customclass2 ^2This will be Green;
customclass3 ^3This will be Yellow;
customclass4 ^4This will be Blue;
customclass5 ^5This will be Cyan;

--Message of the day--

Message Of The Day
motd ^1Your ^2Text ^3Here;

--Clan Tags--

clantag {Hi};

--Top Left--

say ^1Your ^2Text ^3Here;

--Text in middle of screen--(mod menu text)--

set scr_do_notify ^1Your Text Here;


r_znear 35;


cg_laserforceOn 1;

--Toggle Laser--

Bind apad_up bind dpad_up toggle cg_laserForceOn 1 0;


(Replace #'s With Numbers)
(Negative numbers zooms closer to your weapon, Postive zooms you away, 0 is default)
cg_gun_x #;

--Toggle Promod--

Bind apad_up bind dpad_up toggle cg_gun_x # # # #;

--Field Of View--

cg_fov 90;

--Unlimited Ammo--
player_sustainAmmo 1;

--Auto M16--
player_burstFireCooldown 0;

--No Flash Damage--
cg_drawShellshock 0;

--Far Knife--
player_meleeRange 999;

--No Fall Damage--
bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9999;

--Super Jump--
jump_height 999;

--3rd Persons Mode--
cg_thirdPerson 1;

g_gravity 20;

--Enemy Names Through Walls--
cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_drawThroughWalls 1;

--Force Host--
party_iamhost 1;party_hostmigration 0;party_connectToOthers 0;

--Online game--

scr_forcerankedmatch 1;onlinegame 1;

--Super Stopping Power--
perk_bulletdamage 999;

--Super Juggernaut--
perk_armorVest 999;

--Super Sleight of Hand--
perk_weapreloadMultiplier 0.001;

--Super Double Tap--
perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001;

--Super Sonic Boom--
perk_explosiveDamage 999;

--Super Deep Impact--
perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier 999

--Super Iron Lungs--
perk_extraBreath 999;

--Super Steady Aim--
perk_weapspreadMultiplier 0.001;

--Small Cross Hairs--

cg_crosshairAlpha 1;cg_crosshairAlphaMin 0.5;cg_crosshairDynamic 0;cg_crosshairEnemyColor 1;cg_crosshairVerticalOffset;

--Super Eavesdrop--
perk_parabolicradis 1000;

--RPG Martydom--
perk_grenadeDeath rpg_mp;

--Super Extreme Conditioning--
perk_sprintMultiplier 999;

--Triple Tap--
perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001;

--UAV Always On--
bind dpad_up g_compassShowEnemies 1;scr_force_gameuav 1;

--Big UAV--
compassSize 1.5;

--UAV in Hardcore--
ui_hud_hardcore 1;

--Full UAV--

compassSize 1.5;compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;compass 0;bind apad_left g_compassshowenemies 1;scr_game_forceuav 1;compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0;compassRadarUpdateTime 0.001;cg_footsteps 1;ui_hud_hardcore 1;

--Red Box/Aim Assist(Aim Bot)--
aim_automelee_range 255;aim_automelee_region_height 480;aim_automelee_region_width 640;aim_autoaim_enabled 1;aim_autoaim_lerp 100;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;aim_lockon_debug 1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_region_height 0;aim_lockon_region_width 640;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.05;aim_input_graph_debug 0;aim_input_graph_enabled 1;


xblive_privatematch 0;onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_dm_score_kill 4000;bind button_back set scr_testclients 17;updategamerprofile;

bind APD_RIGHT scr_givehelicopter 1;

scr_giveairstrike 1;

scr_giveradar 1;

--Example Teleports on top of Ambush--
bind apad_up bind dpad_up setviewpos 97.2 227.2 750

--all teleports for center of the map.--

97.7 227.2 0 (Ambush)
-40.8 479.1 69.1 (Backlot)
1097.3 -5873.3 -23.8 (Bloc)
3953 1311.9 -13.9 (Bog)
-43.2 179.2 -23.8 (Countdown)
414.9 31.8 188.8 (Crash)
4911,1 -2536.6 -45.1 (Crossfire)
4179.8 -314 15 (District)
541.1 1269.83 257.5 (Downpoor)
180 4 -2282.7 -355 (Overgrown)
354.8 901.5 2 (Pipeline)
0 66.3 192 (Shipment)
0 0 -7 (Showdown)
-89.4 -391 16.1 (Strike)
-74.8 192.8 -47.8 (Vacant)
66.1 -2.4 16.1 (Wet Works)


scr_game_suicidepointloss 1;scr_dm_score_suicide 5000;scr_tdm_score_deatht 2516000;scr_tdm_score_suicide 2516000;scr_dom_score_deatht 2516000;scr_dom_score_suicide 2516000;scr_dd_score_deatht 2516000;scr_dd_score_suicide 2516000;scr_ctf_score_deatht 2516000;scr_ctf_score_suicide 2516000;scr_koth_score_deatht 2516000;scr_koth_score_suicide 2516000;scr_dom_score_kill 2516000;scr_ctf_score_kill 2516000;scr_dd_score_kill 2516000;scr_sd_score_kill 2516000;scr_war_score_suicide 2516000;scr_war_score_deatht 2516000;


statset 2326 11;
statset 2326 10;
statset 2326 9;
statset 2326 8;
statset 2326 7;
statset 2326 6;
statset 2326 5;
statset 2326 4;
statset 2326 3;
statset 2326 2;
statset 2326 1;
statset 2326 0;

--Level 55--

(Change "55" to the desired level)
statset 252 55;

statset 2302 1337000;

statset 2303 1337000;

statset 2304 1337;

statset 2305 0;

statset 2307 1337;

statset 2308 1337000;


statset 2316 1337000;

statset 2317 0;

statset 2318 1337;

statset 2319 1337000;

statset 2322 1337000;

statset 2323 0;

statset 2301 999999;

--Full Unlock All--
statset 3000 9;statset 3001 9;statset 3002 9;statset 3003 1;statset 3004 1;statset 3010 7951;statset 3011 7951;statset 3012 16143;statset 3013 7951;statset 3014 7951;statset 3020 16175;statset 3021 7983;statset 3022 7937;statset 3023 7983;statset 3024 7983;statset 3025 7983;statset 3026 7983;statset 3060 16131;statset 3061 7939;statset 3062 7939;statset 3064 7939;statset 3065 7939;statset 3070 16149;statset 3071 7957;statset 3080 7959;statset 3081 7959;statset 3082 16151;

--Cartoon Mode--
r_fullbright 1;

--Chrome Mode--
r_fullbright 0;r_specularmap 2;

--Rainbow Mode--
r_debugShader 1;

--PC Graphics--

scr_art_tweak 1;scr_art_tweak_message 1;r_glowUseTweaks 1;r_filmUseTweaks 1;

--Blue Vision--

r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.06 0.5 1.3;

--Thermal/Night Vision--
r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.3 7.2;

--Purple Vision--
r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1 2 1 1.1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1 2 1;

--Default Vision--
r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmTweakbrightness 0;r_filmusetweaks 0;r_filmTweakenable 0;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.1 1.05 0.85;r_filmtweakdarktint 0.7 0.85 1;

--Level Up Sound--
snd_playlocal mp_level_up;

--Scrolling Sound--
snd_playlocal mouse_over;

--Suspense/Action sound--
snd_playlocal mp_suspense_01;

--Bomb Plant Sound--
snd_playlocal mp_bomb_plant;

--Time Running Out(Losing)--
snd_playlocal mp_time_running_out_losing;

--Defeat Sound--
snd_playlocal mp_defeat;

--Encourage to Win Sound--
snd_playlocal encourage_win;

--Time Running Out(Winning)--
snd_playlocal mp_time_running_out_winning

--Big Clip--
player_clipSizeMultiplier 45;

--Sprint Faster--
player_sprintSpeedScale 5.0;

--Unlimited Sprint--
player_sprintUnlimited 1;

--Silent Walk/Run/Jump--
r_zFeather 4;

--1 vote to skip map--
party_vetoPercentRequired 0.001;

friction 0.1;

--God Mode--
scr_csmode 99999;

--Fast Restart--

--Kick All Players--
kick all;

--Hide the Ammo Counter--
ammoCounterHide 1;

set g_knockback 999;

--Ping Bar--
cg_scoreboardPingText 1;cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars 9;cg_ScoresPing_Interval 40;cg_ScoresPing_LowColor 0 0.68 1 1;cg_ScoresPing_HighColor 0 0 1 1;

--No Sniper Recoil--
player_breath_hold_time 30;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;player_breath_gasp_time 0.001;player_breath_gasp_scale 1;

cg_tracerSpeed 0050;cg_tracerwidth 9;cg_tracerlength 999;

--Edit Name and Game Type--
ui_mapname ^5Text Here;ui_gametype ^5Text Here;

--Shoot Choppers Down Easily--
scr_heli_maxhealth 1;scr_heli_turret_engage_dist 9999;scr_heli_visual_range 500;

--Unlimited Chopper Ammo--

scr_heli_targeting_delay 0.0001;scr_heli_turretClipSize 9999;scr_heli_turretReloadTime 0.0001;

--New Lobby--

(This will always make you start a new lobby)
party_connectToOthers 0;

--Game Speed--

(Increase/Decrease the value to make it faster/slower)
timescale 0.5;

--FPS Counter--
cg_drawFPS Simple;cg_drawFPSLabels 1;

--Coluored Killfeed--
bind apad_up +forward;bind apad_right g_TeamColoer_axis 0.402 0 0.336 1; bind apad_left g_TeamColor_Allies 0 1 0.898 1



This post has been typed by me. None of the download links or the videos are my own.


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"Call Of Duty 4 - How to code a patch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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what do you mean by

FastFile() ---- This will be the name of the thread... Make it whatever you want, but you need to edit in the 3rd section of the patch on the left... (We'll get into that later on)

can you PM me, i need some help and i really want to make a cod 4 mod menu


JTAG? Or usb should be ok?