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Assassin's Creed 2 : 5 More Trophies

Tutorial Name: Assassin's Creed 2 : 5 More Trophies  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: SCO

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Views: 629

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Choir Boy
The Assassin's Tombs will appear as an Assassin Icon on your main map after the completion of Novella's secret sequence 4. This tomb will be available 1st of the tombs and will be available immediately after the Novella's secret ends. This tomb will be in Florence, find the entrance at the Icon and navigate through the tomb in Santa Maria del Fiore to find the Catacomb. This trophy will sound after you obtain the Seal of Iltani from the assassin's final resting place and exit the area.

Assassin For Hire
You will unlock the assassination missions after completing Four to the floor memory in sequence 5. The assassination icons appear as a Bullseye Icon on your map. Proceed to these icons which are located on the roofs of Florence, as they are the pigeon coops, and you will be given a target. Proceed to the target area and activate your Eagles view by pressing triangle and look for the target which will be shaded in gold. Use your wrist knives when you are close enough to quietly dispatch the target and you will receive some Florins and the first time you will also receive this trophy.

Macho Man
You will unlock Beat Up side missions after you complete the Beat a Cheat memory in sequence 1. Find the icon on your map and go to the flashing person to start the sidequest. Find the target and beat him up till he flees to finish the mission and you will receive some Florins and the trophy after your first mission

Steal Home
You will unlock the race side mission after completing the Petruccios secret mission in sequence 1. Find the Icon on your map and go to the flashing person to start the sidequest. You will have a certain amount of time to run through all the white flashing checkpoints to compete these missions. When you succeed you will receive some Florins and after the first mission you will receive the trophy.

Show your Colors
You must find all 100 feathers and place them inside the chest in your madre's room inside the Villa at Monterigionni. Once you do that your madre will give you the Auditore cape. Press the start button and go to your inventory menu then go to your outfits and equip the Auditore cape by pressing square .Then you must wear this cape in these locations for the trophy to unlock:
3.Flori in Romagna
5.The Mountains (you can get to the mountains outside the Florence exit)


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