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Child of Eden - Pulse-Pounding

Tutorial Name: Child of Eden - Pulse-Pounding  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Mentalist

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Views: 508

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Obtained more than 800,000 points in the Matrix Archive on Normal Difficulty.

As mentioned in the roadmap it is recommended to only undertake this challenge after you have completed the 100% purification on the level. I will be referring to GOLD STARRING this level (100% and 800K points) in my description for all 800K point trophies. To achieve the 800,000 point mark you must be able to time the release of the Octa-Lock (locking onto 8 enemies at once with X Button) with the beat of the music in order to build an 8x multiplier and maintain it. I found tapping my foot to the beat of the music makes doing this a lot easier. If you mess up more then 3 times you will likely have to restart the level as getting 800,000 points can be very challenging from there. The best tips I can give is mainly on a section to section basis which would be too long to type out so I made a video for each archive. See below and follow the tips outlined for each section and watch the purification rate at the end of each major enemy encounter to make sure yours matches mine. If it doesn't you've missed an enemy and will have to restart the level for the Gold Star. If you only want the 800,000 points you do NOT need to get 100%, you can get 800,000 points with as little of 75% purification if you maintain a perfect combo throughout the level. Another key tip is to make sure you save your Euphoria, you should never have to use it on Normal and by keeping all 3 (2 you pick up in the level) you will get an ending bonus of +100,000 onto your score which often makes the difference for reaching the 800,000 points.


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