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Call Of Duty Black Ops: Vehicular Slaughter

Tutorial Name: Call Of Duty Black Ops: Vehicular Slaughter  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Cearnsy

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Comments: 1

Views: 856

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Call Of Duty Black Ops: Vehicular Slaughter

Description:Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.

In the mission 'Vorkuta', you will have a chance to start shooting motorcycles and trucks during the escape sequence. I have a feeling that this trophy can sometimes be glitched, or that it isn't generally that fussy. Either of which is good for you, as it should make it more achievable for you. I could clearly see two enemy bikes (playing on Veteran) beside my truck near the end of the mission when the trophy still unlocked.

In any case, it is imperative that you pay attention to enemy vehicles from the start till the end of the level (better safe than sorry, because of numerous contradicting posts about it!), particularly after the slingshot event, and after exiting the armory with the minigun, and during the bike/truck scene at the end. Destroy as many as you can, and during the bike/truck parts you should stay behind and move at a slow pace to make sure you let enemy moving vehicles overtake you. This makes it easier for you to shoot them. Lastly, pay attention to the any trucks that appear on the roadside.

Remember not to jump off the truck if you don't get the trophy.


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This has to be one of the most memorable trophies of all time in my mind.