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Luck - MW2 Montage (Pamaj Clips)
Video Title: Luck - MW2 Montage (Pamaj Clips)
Category: Game Montages
Submitted By: 9nty
Date Added:
Comments: 4
Video Duration: 01:05
Views: 854
Related Forum: PC General Forum
Video Description:
Hey there guys, made a montage but these are Pamaj Clips. Hope you enjoy.
Hey there guys, made a montage but these are Pamaj Clips. Hope you enjoy.
Maj Looks like you slapped over an overlay for the duration of the shot.
I didn't just slap any colour correction in, doesn't work like that. lol It takes time adding in a colour correction clip by clip. It's called a CC (Colour Correction) It's bit scrapy but I was testing a few things out. I'm improving my edits I made and upload.
Some decent work. Not too keen on the effect you added as the shots are made.
Looks like you slapped over an overlay for the duration of the shot. Could at least be blender and more subtle
Other than that, not too bad.
Looks like you slapped over an overlay for the duration of the shot. Could at least be blender and more subtle
Other than that, not too bad.
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