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Blackops Zombies MOON Big Bang theory On earth when it39s destroyed

Video Title: Blackops Zombies MOON Big Bang theory On earth when it39s destroyed  

Category: Glitches and Tricks

Submitted By: Famous

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Comments: 0

Video Duration: 01:28

Views: 889

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Video Description:

Thank god it's all over!!!!Yes guys it's finally OVER after a long time battling with zombies and doing each step at a time I now have the big bang theory achievement which is 100 gamerscore for the completion of this easter egg.After the color sequence is done as you can see i run to the teleporter so i can see what was happening on earth when the rockets hit, as you can see it looks like a nuke as hit well in all honesty it's worse than a nuke.Yes it's the end of the easter egg but videos will flow and keep coming your way guys so stick around and i hope you all enjoyed the epic journey...Thanks to ilusionz and flames for helping me on this quest they played a big part it the completion of the easter egg.Any questions be sure to leave a comment on the video I'll respond when possible. The Big Bang Theory part 1 Big Bang Theory part 2 Big Bang Theory part 3 Big Bang Theory part 4


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