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Should GoldenWarrior add more to the menu?
86.83% (145 votes)
86.83% (145 votes)
13.17% (22 votes)
13.17% (22 votes)
Total Votes: 167
#361. Posted:
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slayer11398 wrote Add a RCXD I have the code right here
self endon("death") ;
self endon("disconnect") ;
self endon("exitcar") ;
x = 0;
hud8 = NewClientHudElem(self) ;
hud8.foreground = true;
hud8.sort = 1;
hud8.hidewheninmenu = false;
hud8.alignX = "left";
hud8.alignY = "middle";
hud8.horzAlign = "left";
hud8.vertAlign = "middle";
hud8.x = 2;
hud8.y = 140;
hud8.alpha = 1;
hud8.fontscale = 1.3;
car = spawn("script_model", self.origin + (0, -200, 0)) ;
car.angles = (0, 87, 0) ;
car setModel("defaultvehicle") ;
car.dri = 0;
while (1)
if (distance(self.origin, car.origin) < 100 && self usebuttonpressed() && car.dri == 0)
car.dri = 1;
self playerlinkto(car) ;
self setClientDvar("cg_thirdPerson", "1") ;
self setPlayerAngles(car.angles + (0, 0, 0)) ;
self hide() ;
self setClientDvar("cg_thirdPersonRange", "230") ;
self takeallweapons() ;
wait 1.0;
if (car.dri == 1 && self usebuttonpressed())
car.dri = 0;
self thread RCXD() ;
wait 4;
setClientDvar("cg_thirdPerson", "0") ;
self unlink(car) ;
car delete() ;
hud8 destroy() ;
self show() ;
self giveweapon("zombie_colt") ;
self switchtoweapon("zombie_colt") ;
self notify("exitcar") ;
if (car.dri == 1 && self AttackButtonPressed())
if (x == 200)
car moveto(car.origin + anglestoforward(self getplayerangles()) * x, 0.05) ;
hud8 settext("Speed: " + x + "/200") ;
car moveto(car.origin + anglestoforward(self getplayerangles()) * x, 0.05) ;
hud8 settext("Speed: " + x + "/200") ;
x = 0;
hud8 settext("Speed: " + x + "/200") ;
if (car.angles != self.angles + (0, 0, 0) && car.dri == 1)
car.angles = self.angles + (0, 0, 0) ;
if (car.dri == 1 && self AdsButtonPressed())
car moveto(car.origin + anglestoforward(self getplayerangles()) * -15, 0.05) ;
self endon("disconnect") ;
self endon("death") ;
Distance = 80;
Rise = (0, 0, 40) ;
quake = 155;
nuke = 150;
munk = 200;
Slayer11398 = spawn("script_model", Location + Rise) ;
Slayer11398 setModel("zombie_skull") ;
level._effect["12"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_electric_trap") ;
level._effect["14"] = loadfx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_fire_rubble_small") ;
playfx(level._effect["14"], Slayer11398.origin) ;
playfx(level._effect["12"], Slayer11398.origin) ;
while (1)
level._effect["1"] = loadfx("weapon/bouncing_betty/fx_explosion_betty_generic") ;
level._effect["3"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_mini_nuke") ;
playfx(level._effect["3"], Slayer11398.origin) ;
playfx(level._effect["1"], Slayer11398.origin) ;
Slayer11398 moveto(Slayer11398.origin + (0, 0, 40), 1) ;
Slayer11398 rotateyaw(2880, 2) ;
if (distance(self.origin, Location) < quake) earthquake(1, .4, self.origin, 512) ;
self playsound("nuke_flash") ;
wait 2;
Slayer11398 moveto(CoOlBunnYMoDz.origin - (0, 0, 40), .1) ;
zombies = GetAiSpeciesArray("axis", "all") ;
for (i = 0; i < zombies.size; i++) if (distance(zombies[i].origin, Location) < munk) zombies[i] dodamage(zombies[i].health + 666, zombies[i].origin) ;
ok ill add that just for you and me xD
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#362. Posted:
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This menu loks so sweet! If you dont have ziplines you should add those! like have a game mode that if you select it, it spawns a whole bunch of ziplines and slides and like flingers, but i dont know if thats too much.
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#363. Posted:
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-Tom_Santee- wrote This menu loks so sweet! If you dont have ziplines you should add those! like have a game mode that if you select it, it spawns a whole bunch of ziplines and slides and like flingers, but i dont know if thats too much.
Now im going to add ziplines to a game mode because there fun
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#364. Posted:
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You should try to make an infectable mod menu that's all people like these days
Make thoose balls spawn like phoneix v2 or something like that
A trampoline by the power
A music menu
Editable stats
Special modded guns like .357 and other guns to shoot ac 130
All mw2 kill streaks like predator missile
If you need any dvars or ideas pm me I'm creative and can code
Make thoose balls spawn like phoneix v2 or something like that
A trampoline by the power
A music menu
Editable stats
Special modded guns like .357 and other guns to shoot ac 130
All mw2 kill streaks like predator missile
If you need any dvars or ideas pm me I'm creative and can code
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#365. Posted:
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Myblindfate wrote You should try to make an infectable mod menu that's all people like these days
Make thoose balls spawn like phoneix v2 or something like that
A trampoline by the power
A music menu
Editable stats
Special modded guns like .357 and other guns to shoot ac 130
All mw2 kill streaks like predator missile
If you need any dvars or ideas pm me I'm creative and can code
All those things are in there xD but the modded gun sounds like something i should add xD
-Thanks for commenting
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#366. Posted:
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GoldenWarrior wroteMyblindfate wrote You should try to make an infectable mod menu that's all people like these days
Make thoose balls spawn like phoneix v2 or something like that
A trampoline by the power
A music menu
Editable stats
Special modded guns like .357 and other guns to shoot ac 130
All mw2 kill streaks like predator missile
If you need any dvars or ideas pm me I'm creative and can code
All those things are in there xD but the modded gun sounds like something i should add xD
-Thanks for commenting
Did you buy WaW PC?
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#367. Posted:
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is the "make them want to quit" still alive you know where there screen gos all white and contorls are frozen?
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#368. Posted:
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Mikeeey wroteGoldenWarrior wroteMyblindfate wrote You should try to make an infectable mod menu that's all people like these days
Make thoose balls spawn like phoneix v2 or something like that
A trampoline by the power
A music menu
Editable stats
Special modded guns like .357 and other guns to shoot ac 130
All mw2 kill streaks like predator missile
If you need any dvars or ideas pm me I'm creative and can code
All those things are in there xD but the modded gun sounds like something i should add xD
-Thanks for commenting
Did you buy WaW PC?
sadly no, when i get my pay check i will tho
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#369. Posted:
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My suggestions
freeze controls
if you can i have seen the caroon mode vision
more than one menu like mah menu black widow 3.5 "could show you"
a statisctics option like in pheonix v2 like how many times the menus been open and shots fired.
custom class name editor "here are some that work!"
care package "credit goes to mikeeey for that"
super guns maybe some projectiles
menus base color changer shader changer
and last but not least the forge pickup
if you can i have seen the caroon mode vision
more than one menu like mah menu black widow 3.5 "could show you"
a statisctics option like in pheonix v2 like how many times the menus been open and shots fired.
custom class name editor "here are some that work!"
care package "credit goes to mikeeey for that"
super guns maybe some projectiles
menus base color changer shader changer
and last but not least the forge pickup
hope this helped
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#370. Posted:
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xRuNNAx wrote My suggestions
freeze controls
if you can i have seen the caroon mode vision
more than one menu like mah menu black widow 3.5 "could show you"
a statisctics option like in pheonix v2 like how many times the menus been open and shots fired.
custom class name editor "here are some that work!"
care package "credit goes to mikeeey for that"
super guns maybe some projectiles
menus base color changer shader changer
and last but not least the forge pickup
hope this helped
Thanks for the suggestions
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