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PSP Homebrew Applications

Category stats:
FILES: 3,634
VIEWS: 556,334
SIZE: 5.48 GB
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Description: Developer's note:[What does it do?]Allows users who are incontent with their firmware to downgrade to 6.20 using the...

Filesize: 5.38 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: SofiyaCat has released an updated version of PSPTube, the handy dandy homebrew application that lets you watch YouTube...

Filesize: 6.13 MB


Downloads: 15

Description: Rcomage is a general RCO manipulation/creation tool, which I hope, will replace RCO Editor (and potentially rcotool in...

Filesize: 1.42 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Anyone who's gone through any sort of programming class will remember the classic "Hello World" programs our professors...

Filesize: 80.14 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: If you're among the guys who downloaded PSPIRC v1.0.3 a few days ago, we've got an update. The homebrew's developer,...

Filesize: 235.96 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: THIS IS A TEST.

Filesize: 281 Bytes


Downloads: 0

Description: Homebrew developer Stealth has released a new version of Engine02, a versatile, multiplatform 2D game engine that...

Filesize: 341.05 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: The 'long-time' developers would distinctly remember downloading a file from Popularly known...

Filesize: 250.89 KB



Downloads: 4

Description: Sometimes, you just want to skip the nitty-gritty and cut right to the chase. Fortunately for Sony PSP users, homebrew...

Filesize: 267.33 KB


Downloads: 4

Description: Homebrew developer, UberOne, has just informed us through our forums that he has released the real FINAL version of his...

Filesize: 139.43 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Having problems running Pandora on your PlayStation Portable? You might want to know that homebrew developer Hellcat...

Filesize: 423.06 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: Here is a new release of AFKIM (Away From the Keyboard Instant Messenger), the instant messaging application for PSP...

Filesize: 1.25 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: With MyRandomGameboot can boot Random Gameboots. It may contain 10 random Gameboots invite.Installation:1. Copy...

Filesize: 1.32 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Homebrew dev PSPWizard (aka AnMaBaGiMa) has released a new version of his PSP3DPlugin, a nifty app that enables...

Filesize: 123.12 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: PSP homebrew developer eculewatt (creator of the Modded PSP Flash Player) dropped by the QJ.Net Forums earlier to...

Filesize: 166.85 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: One of the better things that CFW 3.90 M33 has to offer is the support for memory sticks bigger that 4GB. However, the...

Filesize: 7.64 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: ISO Tool is an app that allows users to decrypt, convert and patch all the latest ISOs to make them compatible with a...

Filesize: 1.70 MB


Downloads: 9

Description: PSP homebrew developer j3r3mie has been around for quite a while now. He was the one who released the iPhone Simulator...

Filesize: 44.49 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Homebrew developer Shaolan has come out with a new release for his Drawing and Picture Editing Software, now known as...

Filesize: 1.25 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: PMP Mod is is the media player of choice for most PlayStation Portable owners. If you're one of those who's using PSP...

Filesize: 1.50 MB


Downloads: 1