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Unconfirmed PS4 Game Saves (42)

The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section.


PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Category stats:
FILES: 13,841
VIEWS: 30,071,171
DOWNLOADS: 1,516,513
SIZE: 325.14 GB
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Description: platinum save of Monster Hunter World .. All difficult trophies can be obtained including: Miniature Crown...

Filesize: 9.26 MB


Downloads: 794

Description: Guys: Here the platinum save of Monster Hunter World .. All difficult trophies can be obtained...

Version: CUSA07713

Filesize: 9.26 MB


Downloads: 288

Description: 49/50 The Franchise Hunter

Version: CUSA7713

Filesize: 9.26 MB


Downloads: 29

Description: You will find : 49/50 Elders dragons 49/50 Arena quests 49/50 Tempered monsters 9/10 Mini gold crowns 9/10 Large gold...

Version: CUSA7713

Filesize: 9.26 MB


Downloads: 134

Description: This save has: Kirin:1 Hunt Monster Ph.D 1 Quest clear Established Hunter

Version: CUSA7713

Filesize: 9.26 MB


Downloads: 31

Description: Play a Single Event on any ONLINE Track and you'll get these trophies once you finish the race : Apprentice...

Version: CUSA08124

Filesize: 17.39 MB


Downloads: 58

Description: Platinum Save Play a Single Event on any ONLINE Track and you'll get these trophies once you finish the race...

Version: CUSA08124

Filesize: 17.39 MB


Downloads: 25

Description: heres my platinum save guys

Version: CUSA13220

Filesize: 43.56 MB


Downloads: 21

Description: All Trufles troféu Bombando Brincando com fogo Draconis Boss Poço aberto Todas as Notas Musicais Uma Reunião...

Version: US - CUSA05011

Filesize: 30.05 MB


Downloads: 71

Description: Cavaleiro de Armadura Reluzente Knight In Shining Armor Golden Trophy Link do vídeo

Version: US - CUSA05011

Filesize: 7.24 MB


Downloads: 37

Description: Load save and get the last material (liquorice) in front of you. Continue the campaign, collect all the scrolls and...

Version: CUSA16311

Filesize: 1.32 MB


Downloads: 29

Description: here you have a save game to get the trophies "Don't even try this.", "Pacifist" and "Imperishable" at the same...

Version: CUSA05694

Filesize: 2.94 MB


Downloads: 15

Description: Warning: None of the saves are tested, all missions are completed on Veteran in the 45 Intel Items save so you may pop...

Version: CUSA09249

Filesize: 56.65 MB


Downloads: 152

Description: Hello everyone. These are my saves for the US region of the game. Intel Items Platinum Save Warning: None of the...

Version: CUSA09249

Filesize: 56.65 MB


Downloads: 72

Description: Here is my Platinum Save for Mochi Mochi Boy. Try finishing one level from the Tower and one from the Dungeon. Save...

Version: CUSA16357

Filesize: 2.91 MB


Downloads: 3

Description: Here is my Platinum Save for Mochi Mochi Boy. Try finishing one level from the Tower and one from the Dungeon. Save...

Version: CUSA16357

Filesize: 2.91 MB


Downloads: 6

Description: Here is my Platinum Save for Mochi Mochi Boy. Try finishing one level from the Tower and one from the Dungeon. Save...

Version: CUSA16357

Filesize: 2.91 MB


Downloads: 3

Description: All trophies can be obtained in around 1 min for each game. Tested by me. Guide: Step 1: Complete Level 30 in Tower...

Filesize: 3.08 MB


Downloads: 10

Description: This savedata has the following things: - In-game currency 386,749GP - Gallery Figures 266/270 - Maxi Boost Total...

Version: Dread

Filesize: 3.32 MB


Downloads: 97

Description: All you have to do is sim where i left off and after a few games you'll be called up to the MLB

Filesize: 6.82 MB


Downloads: 24