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Unconfirmed PS4 Game Saves (42)

The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section.


PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Category stats:
FILES: 13,841
VIEWS: 30,069,466
DOWNLOADS: 1,516,458
SIZE: 325.14 GB
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Description: Here is my platinum save for Mixups by POWGI. I believe you can earn the trophies by completing one puzzle from each...

Version: CUSA15151

Filesize: 33.29 MB


Downloads: 3

Description: Here is my platinum save for Mixups by POWGI. I believe you can earn the trophies by completing one puzzle from each...

Version: CUSA15151

Filesize: 33.29 MB


Downloads: 15

Description: Here is my platinum save for Mixups by POWGI. I believe you can earn the trophies by completing one puzzle from each...

Version: CUSA15151

Filesize: 33.29 MB


Downloads: 11

Description: Versão US Reassinado da versão europeia . Créditos à...

Version: US CUSA02226

Filesize: 30.54 MB


Downloads: 48

Description: Overview: This is a 100% save of mine. All Trophies have been tested and you will get a plat if you follow the notes...

Version: CUSA01566

Filesize: 5.88 MB


Downloads: 147

Description: WARNING: this is an instant platinum save. once you load up the save, you will get all the trophies instantly. better...

Version: CUSA19057

Filesize: 1.26 MB


Downloads: 16

Description: WARNING: this is an instant platinum save. once you load up the save, you will get all the trophies...

Version: CUSA19057

Filesize: 1.26 MB


Downloads: 15

Description: With this world you will get all the trophies except: "Adventuring Time" and "Passing the Time" You will also get some...

Version: CUSA00744

Filesize: 31.85 MB


Downloads: 140

Description: With this world you will get all the trophies except: "Adventuring Time" and "Passing the Time" You will also get some...

Version: CUSA00744

Filesize: 31.85 MB


Downloads: 258

Description: Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Platinum

Version: 7.50

Filesize: 63.95 MB


Downloads: 51

Description: Load the save and sleep in the bed you will unlock the trophy where have you been? Everything else is in the chest...

Filesize: 31.89 MB


Downloads: 63

Description: Load the save and sleep in the bed you will unlock the trophy where have you been? Everything else is in the chest...

Version: CUSA00744

Filesize: 53.01 MB


Downloads: 75

Description: 1. Disenchanted pull the enchanted diamond sword from the chest use the grind stone to remove the enchantment and you...

Filesize: 31.11 MB


Downloads: 48

Description: 1. Disenchanted pull the enchanted diamond sword from the chest use the grind stone to remove the enchantment and you...

Version: CUSA00744

Filesize: 31.11 MB


Downloads: 81

Description: I made this awhile ago and keep updating it as new dlc comes. Has everything needed for a Platinum and all the dlc to...

Version: CUSA00744

Filesize: 59.83 MB


Downloads: 237

Description: Just a quick world I created on creative on my PS3 and modded it so I could earn the trophies on survival. Transferred...

Version: CUSA00744

Filesize: 1.36 MB


Downloads: 291

Description: Here's my Insta-Plat save for Minecraft Dungeons. Dummy account tested & plat'd resign & load up the save. Once you're...

Version: CUSA18779

Filesize: 9.42 MB


Downloads: 236

Description: This will pop every trophy when you load in. You only need to use 1 but you will need all the files in the...

Version: CUSA18779

Filesize: 9.40 MB


Downloads: 297

Description: You can get the platinum with this save

Version: 7.50

Filesize: 4.34 MB


Downloads: 243

Description: Here's my Insta-Plat save for Minecraft Dungeons. Dummy account tested & plat'd resign & load up the save. Once you're...

Version: CUSA18779

Filesize: 9.42 MB


Downloads: 102