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Unconfirmed PS4 Game Saves (42)

The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section.


PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Category stats:
FILES: 13,841
VIEWS: 30,066,034
DOWNLOADS: 1,516,322
SIZE: 325.14 GB
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Description: Middle Earth Shadow of War Platinum Save 100%

Version: CUSA04408

Filesize: 11.00 MB


Downloads: 264

Description: Platinum Save

Filesize: 13.00 MB


Downloads: 158

Description: Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor Platinum Save

Version: CUSA00725

Filesize: 13.00 MB


Downloads: 109

Description: Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor Platinum Save

Version: CUSA00725

Filesize: 13.00 MB


Downloads: 292

Description: PS4 game save for MGSV:TPP -

Filesize: 9.96 MB


Downloads: 152

Description: PS4 game save for MGSV: Ground Zeroes

Filesize: 2.98 MB


Downloads: 175

Description: 100% Save PS4 Save

Filesize: 2.98 MB


Downloads: 176

Description: Hey guys! Just wanted to share my save since I saw a few requests. I've also figured out which saves are which for...

Filesize: 19.88 MB


Downloads: 122

Description: Here is the save. You're already in the hallway of Paz's room. Just walk towards the exit and look on your left to pick...

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.94 MB


Downloads: 35

Description: Hello everyone this is my friends Phantom Pain Platinum Save he gave me permission to upload it on here since he barely...

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.94 MB


Downloads: 274

Description: PS4 Platinum game save for Metro: 2033 Redux

Filesize: 9.96 MB


Downloads: 236

Description: Hello Folks. There is my save for the collectible Blogger Just select last chapter tower and get the last two...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 4.45 MB


Downloads: 47

Description: Hello Folks. There is my save for the collectible Blogger Just select last chapter tower and get the last two...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 4.45 MB


Downloads: 80

Description: The first save will give you the Good ending (Redemption) and Survivor 2034. Also, you can pick up the last collectible...

Version: CUSA00624

Filesize: 9.83 MB



Downloads: 192

Description: Both are Ending saves I got platinum with for Metro Last Light Digital Version [CUSA00683] this was made on 6.2...

Filesize: 20.00 MB


Downloads: 34

Description: Both are Ending saves I got platinum with for Metro Last Light Digital Version [CUSA00683] this was made on 6.2...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 20.00 MB


Downloads: 37

Description: Both are Ending saves I got platinum with for Metro Last Light Digital Version [CUSA00683] this was made on 6.2...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 20.00 MB


Downloads: 20

Description: Hello This is my save for METRO EXODUS it will help you to get the hardest trophies Just select continue and finish...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 99.98 MB


Downloads: 200

Description: With this save can get you a few pain in the ass trophies trophies, I have not tested any further than these. This...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 15.56 MB


Downloads: 184

Description: This file only has one weapon of each category left to craft and all the material to do it. That should unlock Weapon...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 99.98 MB


Downloads: 129