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Unconfirmed PS4 Game Saves (42)

The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section.


PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Category stats:
FILES: 13,841
VIEWS: 30,064,521
DOWNLOADS: 1,516,295
SIZE: 325.14 GB
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Description: If anyone has US saves relating to the New Game trophies I would greatly appreciate it! With these saves you can get...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 127.13 MB


Downloads: 193

Description: Hello everyone, How are you guys doing? First I want to thank a Super Moderator called aeneax for providing me tips,...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 78.02 MB


Downloads: 50

Description: Hi, this is my save for the Damir trophy. LOAD THE LAST SAVE OR THE SECOND TO LAST save the slave that is thrown in...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 55.09 MB


Downloads: 58

Description: Hi, this is my save for the Damir trophy. LOAD THE LAST SAVE OR THE SECOND TO LAST save the slave that is thrown...

Version: CUSA11408

Filesize: 55.09 MB


Downloads: 49

Description: Amigos eu decide jogar o metro 2033 e depois de terminar toda campanha utilizei um save-set fantastico do RAGING porém...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 4.73 MB


Downloads: 40

Description: xGamerManX

Filesize: 20.00 MB


Downloads: 33

Description: Both are Ending saves I got platinum with for Metro 2033 Digital Version [CUSA00683] this was made on 6.2 firmware 2...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 20.00 MB


Downloads: 42

Description: Both are Ending saves I got platinum with for Metro 2033 Digital Version [CUSA00683] this was made on 6.2 firmware 2...

Version: CUSA00683

Filesize: 20.00 MB


Downloads: 33

Description: Metro 2033 (USA saves) Survivor 2033 difficulty - IF IT'S HOSTILE, YOU KILL IT.

Version: CUSA00623

Filesize: 4.86 MB


Downloads: 48

Description: Metro 2033 (USA saves) Spartan Difficulty,collectibles, enlightened

Version: CUSA00623

Filesize: 4.77 MB


Downloads: 65

Description: Get S rank in Fight House to get the trophy. also buy the SHARK weapon to get the related trophy. these 2 are the only...

Version: CUSA15879

Filesize: 15.14 MB


Downloads: 11

Description: Get S rank in Fight House to get the trophy. also buy the SHARK weapon to get the related trophy. these 2 are the only...

Version: CUSA15879

Filesize: 15.14 MB


Downloads: 6

Description: Hi Guys... The 4 hardest gold trophies of Metal Slug XX: Go to Combat School and play any stage then lose and...

Version: CUSA11667

Filesize: 2.89 MB


Downloads: 74

Description: I have a save file for Reminiscence Trophy. - Just pick the photo that will be near the doorway that...

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 29.74 MB


Downloads: 178

Description: Just pick the photo that will be near the doorway that goes outside of Paz room in the Medic Platform, on the third...

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.91 MB


Downloads: 77

Description: This save has all the trophies, however, it is necessary that you get the resources to build the Nuclear Weapon. Some...

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.96 MB



Downloads: 721

Description: I finished farming Common Metal, all you have to do is wait three hours and Architect Trophy will unlock.

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.91 MB


Downloads: 161

Description: Find [MACHT 37] Blueprint then return to ACC and the Collector Trophy will pop.

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.91 MB


Downloads: 92

Description: -This Saved Allows You to Obtain the Collector's Trophy.   The missing Blueprint for this saved is that of Side...

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.94 MB


Downloads: 140

Description: Instructions are on file. The save is tested in 2 different profiles.

Version: CUSA01140

Filesize: 9.94 MB


Downloads: 351