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[US] 5.55 Ys VIII Lacrimosa Of Dana: A Few Trophies

Download Name: [US] 5.55 Ys VIII Lacrimosa Of Dana: A Few Trophies  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 5.04 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 2

Downloads: 125

Views: 3,138

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

These are 2 saves, one is clear save for a new game run to make Nightmare mode a breeze. If you save save wizard, a handy cheat can turn the difficulty to nightmare mode for the non-clear save. All the requirements for the true ending have been met!

The other should net you the following;

Perfect Map
Completed the map of the Isle of Seiren.
Far-off Explorer
Traveled a total distance of 300 krimelye. (walk around a little bit)

Treasure Hunter
Achieved 100% Treasures Found. (the save is in front of an unopened chest)

Beast Buster
Defeated 2000 beasts.
Dino Slayer
Defeated 100 Primordials.
Skill Finisher
Performed a Skill Finish 1000 times.
Grand Breaker
Performed 1000 Breaks.
Flash Guarder
Performed 100 Flash Guards.
Flash Mover
Performed 100 Flash Moves.
EXTRA Master
Performed 100 EXTRA Skills. (For these meet the requirements once)

Splendid Tactician
Achieved an S Rank in any raid.
Decorated Defender
Completed all raids.
Demon Hunter
Completed all hunts. (complete one of each respectively to get them to pop)

This save also has NOT met the requirements for these trophies, but can be earned:

Village Superstar
Achieved 100% Approval Earned. (there are 2 villagers left)
Reel Big Fisherman
Achieved 100% Fish Entries Logged. (not all fish captured yet
Castaway Cook
Achieved 100% Meal Entries Logged. (2 meals needed)
People Person
Achieved 100% People Entries Logged. (tied in with approval)
Beast Expert
Achieved 100% Beast Entries Logged. (need the enemies that need to be fished up)
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"[US] 5.55 Ys VIII Lacrimosa Of Dana: A Few Trophies" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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Troll save. Loads you in in front of a chest with an item he already has so completion doesn't work. Also has you loaded in an end game tower that takes ages to get back to town to do anything else.

Mods please investigate.


what dlc is needed for the save