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[EU] Fallout 4 GOTY Save Set (CUSA03450)
Download Name: [EU] Fallout 4 GOTY Save Set (CUSA03450)
Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets
Submitted By: Sean
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File Size: 121.71 MB
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Comments: 5
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Save 23 may appear at the end of the list for some strange reason.
3 Future Retro (use holotape)
War Never Changes (enter wasteland)
Scavver (go to Sanctuary and use the resource duplication glitch to get 1000 of something. Here's how [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] You may have to collect the more than 1000 from the workbench, Or just scrap all kinds of shit until it pops)
7 Fix-Er-Upper (build something)
8 Born Survivor (make 3 more molotov cocktails)
9 Wasteland D.I.Y. (make 6 more molotov cocktails)
10 Armed and Dangerous (build minigun gunner sight)
11 Commonwealth Citizen (make 3 more molotov cocktails)
15 Unstoppable Warrior (make 2 more molotov cocktails)
16 Legend of the Wasts (make 6 more molotov cocktails, will need to exit power armor)
17 Prankster’s Return (place a fragmentation grenade while pickpocketing)
19 Show Off (connect power to the display and activate it)
20 Benevolent Leader (go back and forth between sleeping for 10 hours in-game and waiting 30 minutes in real life, I've done most of it for you)
21 Instigator (command one of the combatents to go to the other, they may have to fight each other twice)
22 Mechanical Menace (talk to ada)
Never Go it Alone (then go to Red Rocket and build a robot workstation, you will need to scrap the rat poison on the shelf in the hall for the fiberglass and use the duplication glitch from save 3. Make robots, 1 at a time, and add two as a companion, install mods as necessary on each and any new robots to get both trophies)
The Most Toys
23 Mass Production (turn on the switch and wait a couple minutes)
24 Robot Hunter (add mods to Ada)
25 When Freedom Calls (speak to Preston Garvey (you don't have to defend the settlement so don't worry))
26 Sanctuary (speak to Sturges)
27 Headhunting (speak to the robot)
28 What’s yours is mine (pick the lock)
29 Restoring Order (speak to Ada)
30 Home Run (run the bases, video: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] )
32 Touchdown (get killed by the guy with the FATMAN. He has terrible aim so it may take multiple tries. Get below him.)
33 Vault Dweller (equip Clem with a Vault 88 jumpsuit and a Pip-Boy)
34 Better Living Underground (activate the workbench)
35 Animal Control (tear down stone wall using workshop mode, kill 4 scorpions)
36 Oversight (KILL THE BITCH!!!)
37 Time Out (put a settler in the pillory)
38 (((Christmas in Diamond City))) **Just here for fun as a LOT of people don't know Diamond City has a Christmas theme when the in-game date is December 25th**
39 Trapper (build a Radstag Cage)
44 Docile (turn generator off and on, VERY VERY QUICKLY!!!)
45 Lovable (romance Piper, bow chicka wow wow)
46 Unlikely Valentine (finish the conversation)
47 Ranger Corp (discover the filling station in front of you)
48 Print’s Not Dead (read the book)
49 Reunions (talk to Piper)
50 Dangerous Minds (watch TV)
51 The First Step (speak to Preston Garvey, become the General)
52 Community Organizer (speak to Abraham)
53 Taking Independence (speak to Preston Garvey)
54 Old Guns (speak to Preston Garvey)
55 Semper Invicta (speak to Danse)
56 RobCo’s Worst Nightmare (hack the computer)
58 Masshole (KILL THEM ALL!!!)
59 Gun-For-Hire (walk forward and kill the robot)
60 ...The Harder They Fall (kill it)
61 Tradecraft (speak to them and join the railroad)
62 They’re Not Dolls... (pick up the bobblehead)
63 ...They’re Action Figures (pick up the bobblehead)
64 Hunter/Hunted (loot the body)
65 The Molecular Level (step onto the teleporter and wait)
66 Institutionalized (load the network scanner ontho the computer and start the program)
68 Far from Home (wait)
69 Just Add Saltwater (make Poached Angler)
70 Where You Belong (speak to Kasumi)
71 New England Vacationer (discover the tower in front of you)
72 Push Back the Fog (speak to Uncle Ken)
73 Hooked (kill it)
74 The Islander’s Almanac (read the book)
75 The Way Life Should Be (speak to Dima)
76 Cleansing the Land (finish the conversation)
77 Close to Home (finish the conversation)
78 Taken for a Ride (finish the conversation and wait)
79 Beverageer (make one of each)
80 All Sugared Up (kill it)
81 Mercenary (the quest to defend Abernathy Farm will either succeed or fail in 30-45 seconds, reload if needed)
Save 23 may appear at the end of the list for some strange reason.
3 Future Retro (use holotape)
War Never Changes (enter wasteland)
Scavver (go to Sanctuary and use the resource duplication glitch to get 1000 of something. Here's how [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] You may have to collect the more than 1000 from the workbench, Or just scrap all kinds of shit until it pops)
7 Fix-Er-Upper (build something)
8 Born Survivor (make 3 more molotov cocktails)
9 Wasteland D.I.Y. (make 6 more molotov cocktails)
10 Armed and Dangerous (build minigun gunner sight)
11 Commonwealth Citizen (make 3 more molotov cocktails)
15 Unstoppable Warrior (make 2 more molotov cocktails)
16 Legend of the Wasts (make 6 more molotov cocktails, will need to exit power armor)
17 Prankster’s Return (place a fragmentation grenade while pickpocketing)
19 Show Off (connect power to the display and activate it)
20 Benevolent Leader (go back and forth between sleeping for 10 hours in-game and waiting 30 minutes in real life, I've done most of it for you)
21 Instigator (command one of the combatents to go to the other, they may have to fight each other twice)
22 Mechanical Menace (talk to ada)
Never Go it Alone (then go to Red Rocket and build a robot workstation, you will need to scrap the rat poison on the shelf in the hall for the fiberglass and use the duplication glitch from save 3. Make robots, 1 at a time, and add two as a companion, install mods as necessary on each and any new robots to get both trophies)
The Most Toys
23 Mass Production (turn on the switch and wait a couple minutes)
24 Robot Hunter (add mods to Ada)
25 When Freedom Calls (speak to Preston Garvey (you don't have to defend the settlement so don't worry))
26 Sanctuary (speak to Sturges)
27 Headhunting (speak to the robot)
28 What’s yours is mine (pick the lock)
29 Restoring Order (speak to Ada)
30 Home Run (run the bases, video: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] )
32 Touchdown (get killed by the guy with the FATMAN. He has terrible aim so it may take multiple tries. Get below him.)
33 Vault Dweller (equip Clem with a Vault 88 jumpsuit and a Pip-Boy)
34 Better Living Underground (activate the workbench)
35 Animal Control (tear down stone wall using workshop mode, kill 4 scorpions)
36 Oversight (KILL THE BITCH!!!)
37 Time Out (put a settler in the pillory)
38 (((Christmas in Diamond City))) **Just here for fun as a LOT of people don't know Diamond City has a Christmas theme when the in-game date is December 25th**
39 Trapper (build a Radstag Cage)
44 Docile (turn generator off and on, VERY VERY QUICKLY!!!)
45 Lovable (romance Piper, bow chicka wow wow)
46 Unlikely Valentine (finish the conversation)
47 Ranger Corp (discover the filling station in front of you)
48 Print’s Not Dead (read the book)
49 Reunions (talk to Piper)
50 Dangerous Minds (watch TV)
51 The First Step (speak to Preston Garvey, become the General)
52 Community Organizer (speak to Abraham)
53 Taking Independence (speak to Preston Garvey)
54 Old Guns (speak to Preston Garvey)
55 Semper Invicta (speak to Danse)
56 RobCo’s Worst Nightmare (hack the computer)
58 Masshole (KILL THEM ALL!!!)
59 Gun-For-Hire (walk forward and kill the robot)
60 ...The Harder They Fall (kill it)
61 Tradecraft (speak to them and join the railroad)
62 They’re Not Dolls... (pick up the bobblehead)
63 ...They’re Action Figures (pick up the bobblehead)
64 Hunter/Hunted (loot the body)
65 The Molecular Level (step onto the teleporter and wait)
66 Institutionalized (load the network scanner ontho the computer and start the program)
68 Far from Home (wait)
69 Just Add Saltwater (make Poached Angler)
70 Where You Belong (speak to Kasumi)
71 New England Vacationer (discover the tower in front of you)
72 Push Back the Fog (speak to Uncle Ken)
73 Hooked (kill it)
74 The Islander’s Almanac (read the book)
75 The Way Life Should Be (speak to Dima)
76 Cleansing the Land (finish the conversation)
77 Close to Home (finish the conversation)
78 Taken for a Ride (finish the conversation and wait)
79 Beverageer (make one of each)
80 All Sugared Up (kill it)
81 Mercenary (the quest to defend Abernathy Farm will either succeed or fail in 30-45 seconds, reload if needed)
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum
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Decent pack, however only 16 of the saves are actually in the zip.
3, 23-30, 32-37, 39
3, 23-30, 32-37, 39
Thanks for the save.
i can only see files 23 to 39 in the zip file. Where are the others?
Thanks for the save.
i can only see files 23 to 39 in the zip file. Where are the others?
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