Sony will find it really dificult to prevent PS3 game patching
An 'in depth' analysis of what Sony may do to prevent the PS3 hacks has pinpointed one major difficulty area. This difficulty area revolves around PSN cheaters who will adjust and patch their games. The latest hack allows jailbreakers to change map data, roll back patches and even re-encrypt game code to make it look like an official update. Cheaters could even use DNS hacks without the need for any custom firmware. This all certainly looks very difficult for Sony to battle against! Where Sony is going to face real difficulties is in preventing determined PSN cheaters from adjusting and patching their games. The latest hack isn't just about patching GameOS any more: jailbreakers can change map data, roll back patches and even adjust the game code and re-encrypt it to look like an official update. Determined cheaters could probably use DNS hacks to install suspect code on their console even without the requirement of a custom firmware in the first place. Over and above this, leaving GameOS to the mercies of the hackers could see them reverse-engineer the ways in which PSN games are purchased and activated on the console, opening up another wave of piracy Sony would rather not have to deal with.
Personally, I dont think that hackers should go that far... We dont want PS3 to turn into another jtag-state. I also think, if I were Sony, to lay off for a while and then go in for the kill, in terms of having a huge update. But I have no say in the matter, in fact I dont really care that much either, when they start banning people, then we are in need of a Flash360 for ps3!!! lol
Give it some time and in the Future well all be playing on gaming consoles that are basically stock PC's.
This will be an ongoing war unless These company's actually Realize were hacking your firmware because we want it to be OUR console not some corporate machine with no Support for anything.
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