Spanish hacker steals customer data from Nintendo, blackmail backfires

A hacker from Spain has been arrested over stealing data on 4,000 gamers from Nintendo. Apparentlty, the hacker tried to blackmail Nintendo, accusing them of 'negligence'. After Nintendo didn't respond, the hacker began to leak the information online. He has since been arrested in Malaga.



"Spanish hacker steals customer data from Nintendo, blackmail backfires" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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That sucks sooo bad....hatin on them spaniards :p


i love spain XD


There was a promo hosted by Nintendo, this kind of bus tour showing off the new 3DS. There was a site called "" (try-and-see, or something like that). A RANDOM PERSON, no hacker, found out that by adding "admin" at the beginning of the URL ( you could access all the data Nintendo collected for this promo. The guy was stupid enough to tell Nintendo the error when blackmailing, so Nintendo fixed it and sued the guy."


Trying to blackmail a major gaming company, that isn't a very good idea and surely he knew it wouldn't turn out good, wonder what will happen to him.


That poor guy is gonna cop alot of shit for that.