Xbox 360 has Reached the Limit says Analyst

Jesse Divnich, Vice President of gaming research and analyst company, EEDAR, has spoken a bit about when the next generation of consoles will finally come about.

“I have it in my estimates, I think 2013, I think we see a new console in 2013,” he said in an interview with IGN , adding “I think holiday 2013 is when we the Xbox 720 or whatever they want to call it – maybe the Xbox U or maybe they’ll go Xbox Y – I think they will and I think Sony will follow suit. I think a lot of that has to do with Nintendo and them launching their new system.”

Safe predictions from EEDAR then, but more interesting was Divnich’s reasoning for the new systems. “Developers have reached a limit with what they can do on the Xbox 360. Look at L.A. Noire, it comes on three discs. I think that tells you right then and there that developers have reached the potential of what the Xbox can deliver,” he said.

Have we really seen Microsoft’s box max out? Or do 360 exclusives like Ryse still have more power to push?




"Xbox 360 has Reached the Limit says Analyst" :: Login/Create an Account :: 39 comments

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the bad thing is if they do make a new console and upgrade the console to somewat of pc graphics and framerate then the price will go way up


This is off topic but, i hope the mods or admins are able to edit these stories, they are full of typos


To say that Microsoft is thinking about the next gen for a 2013 release is obvious. Look at the facts, other companies are moving on, the 360 would have been around 7-8 years by 2013 making it perfect timing for an upgrade.

Sorry ANT but screw Kinect, it will be compatible with a new gen anyway if Microsoft want to keep making money on it.


-Ant- I can't agree with this, kinetic was only just released and still has a lot of potential with it.

The new disc format that came with the most recent dash update allows more space on discs. So we hopefully won't be seeing a repeat of la noire with gta5.

I think the 360 still has a lot left in it, the ps3 will probably die out first. More than it already has.

Haha yeah, when I went to get LA noire and got home I was like "Alright, let's install this" Then I opened the box and I was like ... WTF?
I dont own L.A.noire but can you download it the HDD or no.

What we're talking about is the fact it has 3 disks in the box to contain the storyline.


-Ant- I can't agree with this, kinetic was only just released and still has a lot of potential with it.

The new disc format that came with the most recent dash update allows more space on discs. So we hopefully won't be seeing a repeat of la noire with gta5.

I think the 360 still has a lot left in it, the ps3 will probably die out first. More than it already has.

Haha yeah, when I went to get LA noire and got home I was like "Alright, let's install this" Then I opened the box and I was like ... WTF?
I dont own L.A.noire but can you download it the HDD or no.


-Ant- I can't agree with this, kinetic was only just released and still has a lot of potential with it.

The new disc format that came with the most recent dash update allows more space on discs. So we hopefully won't be seeing a repeat of la noire with gta5.

I think the 360 still has a lot left in it, the ps3 will probably die out first. More than it already has.

Haha yeah, when I went to get LA noire and got home I was like "Alright, let's install this" Then I opened the box and I was like ... WTF?


I can't agree with this, kinetic was only just released and still has a lot of potential with it.

The new disc format that came with the most recent dash update allows more space on discs. So we hopefully won't be seeing a repeat of la noire with gta5.

I think the 360 still has a lot left in it, the ps3 will probably die out first. More than it already has.


its not that the xbox 360 has peaked its just that L.A. noire has lots of content to put on the table and the xbox 360 AND ps3 dont have the things needed to use and recognize a larger disk size.


lol 1st commet