How the new Xbox Dash watches your every move

Microsoft has released a new video about the upcoming Xbox 360 Dashboard update. There's not a great deal of new information to be had, though this is one of the few public glimpses of the new dash offered by the company.

One worrying note about the video: There's a large emphasis on the revised Dashboard learning about the user. As Xbox Live corporate VP Marc Whitten forebodingly puts it, "It's not about you learning about our technology, it's about our technology learning about you [emphasis added]." In other words, you might want to stop gaming in your underwear.




"How the new Xbox Dash watches your every move" :: Login/Create an Account :: 84 comments

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I'm not getting a kinect for this


Please tell me I can use this with my controller? I don't want to get kinect just for this and plus, my room is too small for kinect!


DryAdrian2640 I like when new dashboard is coming out because it's always something new but I actually like the current one and this one look sort of flat and 2D, I don't like it, I don't even have Kinect :P

I Tottaly agree. Kinect is just a moneywhore trick.
If i CAN'T control this dash with my controller , my xbox is going out of the window.


TheBrownGuy I guess I can't play in the nude anymore =/


The original xbox dashboard was the best.


I like when new dashboard is coming out because it's always something new but I actually like the current one and this one look sort of flat and 2D, I don't like it, I don't even have Kinect :P


It looks like sh*t...i hate m$ for this


This looks like the windows phone display


They are obsesive with security.

It's scary.


They are obsesive with security.

It's scary.