EA: We don’t expect Battlefield 3 to beat Modern Warfare 3

There has been a lot of mudslinging and smack talking between the heads of EA and Activision, where EA folks have repeatedly stated that Battlefield 3 is designed to take down Modern Warfare 3 and that Call of Duty will be over in 2-3 years. That’s EA when they’re speaking in general to create hype around their product.
However, the tone is quite different when they’re talking to investors and shareholders. EA CFO Eric Brown recently told a group of investors that they don’t expect Battlefield 3 to surpass Modern Warfare. Brown said:
“Just to be clear, the [Call of Duty] franchise did about 23 million units worldwide. We don’t expect to surpass them with this year’s Battlefield 3, just to be very clear.”
To borrow the phrase from Brown, “just to be very clear”, no one really expected Battlefield 3 to beat Modern Warfare 3 in terms of units sold, but it will most certainly give it a run for its money. Many industry analysts expect Battlefield 3 sales to top 10 million, and the game is off to a great start, if recent pre-order numbers are any indication: Battlefield 3 has been pre-ordered 1.25 million times to date, with a month and a half left until game launch.




"EA: We don’t expect Battlefield 3 to beat Modern Warfare 3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 114 comments

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DRoseMVP Quality > Quantity

By that logic MW3 Is going to be better than BF3.
The quality of MW3 is greater than BF3.
Gameplay > Graphics.
MW3 > BF3

your logic is illogical then because gameplay is superior in most peoples opinions that have actually played several ours of both. i started out as a CoD fanboy but trust me once you play it and get far it will just consume you. sure its slow paced at first but once your squad get in the objective and you spawn and just spray and pray and work together and take it down it becomes better than CoD. in CoD sure its fun when you go for the objective, but most of the time in CoD when you play domination without a full 6-man party no one and even with a party people will barley go for the objective but in BF your WHOLE 12 man team goes for it. even the little kid camping in the back with a tank or using the UAV they just shoot at the objective and support cover fire and that is way better quality than CoD will ever have.

Exactly... We already know how MW3 will be, because it is just a dlc on a disc for MW2. Gameplay looks exactly the same. BF3 on the otherhand..... I played the Alpha and I was blown away.


DRoseMVP Quality > Quantity

By that logic MW3 Is going to be better than BF3.
The quality of MW3 is greater than BF3.
Gameplay > Graphics.
MW3 > BF3

your logic is illogical then because gameplay is superior in most peoples opinions that have actually played several ours of both. i started out as a CoD fanboy but trust me once you play it and get far it will just consume you. sure its slow paced at first but once your squad get in the objective and you spawn and just spray and pray and work together and take it down it becomes better than CoD. in CoD sure its fun when you go for the objective, but most of the time in CoD when you play domination without a full 6-man party no one and even with a party people will barley go for the objective but in BF your WHOLE 12 man team goes for it. even the little kid camping in the back with a tank or using the UAV they just shoot at the objective and support cover fire and that is way better quality than CoD will ever have.


EVERY BATTLEFIELD FANBOY PLEASE SHUT UP NOW! Even the makers of your game said MW3 will win in sales and if they win in sales that means it is better. Its like saying a ford focus is better than a chevy camaro. CoD will always outsell and be better then battlefield games.


To me both games are going to be good and will be getting them both but I'll enjoy Battlefield 3 more COD gets boring fast to me now.


TTG sop o podn


DRoseMVP Quality > Quantity

By that logic MW3 Is going to be better than BF3.
The quality of MW3 is greater than BF3.
Gameplay > Graphics.
MW3 > BF3


theartftw Kinda sad when you have been fighting with a bunch of trash talk and your own publisher can't even back you up.. lol.

People who back BF3 say its a better game... Not that it will sell more. Ea is just saying they don't expect BF3 to sell more than MW3. That is it. BF3 > MW3 = Quality > Quantity


i just have question to the BF3 Fanboys How Can You say BF3 is the better game if u havent even played it yet granted BF3 looks better than mw3 (graphic wise) but cod is gunna sell just like any other game cant we all just be happy with wat we get instead just fighting over it like lil 3 year olds i mean this flame war has to be getting old


So... How about that Gears of War?


Kinda sad when you have been fighting with a bunch of trash talk and your own publisher can't even back you up.. lol.