Sony's PS3 mistakes helped Xbox 360 succeed
Speaking at the Northwest Entrepreneur Network (via GeekWire), Bach said it was vitally important for companies to capitalise on their rivals' mistakes.
"Some of the success of Xbox was due to the fact that Sony did some really not so smart things," he suggested. "They mismanaged their 70 percent market share. It's a long conversation.
"The transition to PlayStation 3 was really, really bad. And really hard. They mismanaged their partners, they mismanaged their cost structure. They made their next platform so complicated that developers couldn't develop for it."
Another factor in Xbox 360's success was Microsoft's ability to strike up strong partnerships with publishers like EA and Activision.
"When you're doing a startup, you need friends," Bach said. "It's just the way life works. It turned out we were able to convince retailers and publishers like Activision, Electronic Arts and others, that it was a good thing for Microsoft to be successful, because if we were not successful, the only game in town was Sony. Being dependent on somebody else was bad for them, and so they supported us disproportionately to what they should have, mathematically."
Bach also described the infamous Xbox 360 'Red Ring of Death' hardware failures, which cost Microsoft $1 billion in warranty extensions, as "the most painful thing in my life".
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DICE-rubbycubyyy-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
I didn't know that Sony leaked their customer's Credit and Debt cards. Just because the PSN got hacked and Sony took the PSN system offline does not mean that the XBox Live system has not been compromised before. And the whole thing where you say that XBox Live has not been down once in four years, is such a lie it has gone down for maintenance before. I doubt you have even played on the PS3 because you have such biased views.
Congrats ...and the fact that PS3 sucks. ;)
Dang why are so many TTG users riding Mirosoft's ****? Have you even played on the PS3? What does XBox 360 do that the PS3 can not. I will grant you the Party System which is nice, however you have to pay to get that feature. So please enlighten me as to what feature is so grand and great on the XBox 360 that makes it better than the PS3 because I just do not see it at all.
I've had both a PS3 and still currently have my Xbox 360 the reason I prefer my xbox to a PS3 is the controllers are far more comfortable, I got better customer support from Microsoft/X-box then I did from Sony/PlayStation (Probably cause your paying for one and not the other), I actually found that the majority of the games I played ran smoother/looked better on the 360 than the PS3 (And I'll give that the PS3 had better graphics on certain games also), and the community is more competitive on the 360 I found playing games such as Call of Duty and what not were a lot easier for me to dominate on than they were on the 360 and I'm all for the challenge, also I had both the PlayStation Move or whatever it was called and the Kinect and found the Kinect was better over it.
Also the whole "It has a blu-ray player" thing isn't much of a great thing to me seeing as I have a Blu-Ray player and really the PS3 seems to not play as good of quality as my Samsung Blu-Ray player.
They are both good consoles and I won't say one is vastly better than the other because both have their pro's and con's but I prefer my 360 over the PS3
I simply agree Xbox360 is better, starting from the gameplay to the gamers. One very thing i wanted to point out was that PS3 gamers (majority not all) are always talking trash and spamming the crap out of others, which is something really annoying.
DICE-VarictoDICE-rubbycubyyy-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
I didn't know that Sony leaked their customer's Credit and Debt cards. Just because the PSN got hacked and Sony took the PSN system offline does not mean that the XBox Live system has not been compromised before. And the whole thing where you say that XBox Live has not been down once in four years, is such a lie it has gone down for maintenance before. I doubt you have even played on the PS3 because you have such biased views.
Congrats ...and the fact that PS3 sucks. ;)
Dang why are so many TTG users riding Mirosoft's ****? Have you even played on the PS3? What does XBox 360 do that the PS3 can not. I will grant you the Party System which is nice, however you have to pay to get that feature. So please enlighten me as to what feature is so grand and great on the XBox 360 that makes it better than the PS3 because I just do not see it at all.
The xbox is easier to comunicate on and has very good servers, the controler is confortable and actualy has voice messages.
the ps3 may have better gfx and all, but why buy it for that when you could buy an xbox360 for multiplayer and less people like you? yeah yeah, use the same old "RROD" excuse, but not once have i had a scratched disc/RRoD, i also like the fact we have less hacked lobbies even though we have J-Tags, you can just mod on the ps3 with a usb...
downside of xbox? squeaky little kiddies.
downside of ps3? crap servers, bad comunication and multiplayer and is far to easy to brake into.
I already said that the XBox has better communication with the whole party system. The controller comfort is completely opinion. Less people like me? What does that mean? I have both systems and I play both often I was just pointing the fact out that lots of TTG users have no experience with the PS3. I never mentioned the RRoD at all, it has actually been reduced in the latest "fat" XBox 360 and removed in the new "slim" XBox 360. You have never scratched a disc? Wow that is so cool, move your XBox while a disc in the tray and reply back to me. Both systems are hacked on CoD, especially because IW and Treyarch refuse to patch them. You can only mod the PS3 if you have version 3.55 or below. What do you mean by crap servers? I play on the PS3 every day and never experience any lag, however I really only Battlefield 3 and Gotham City Impostors. I do not have bad communication, if you truly have a bad experience with communication it is probably the game or someone has a bad mic. As if you can not get an infection on the XBox 360 and start to host modded lobbies, and you can also mod your World at War really easily with hot swapping on the XBox 360. Now I am pretty sure that you have to be on CFW to mod World at War.
This site was originally based on xbox 360 for mostly CoD: WaW .-. then PS3 got added a bit later.
VarictoDICE-rubbycubyyy-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
I didn't know that Sony leaked their customer's Credit and Debt cards. Just because the PSN got hacked and Sony took the PSN system offline does not mean that the XBox Live system has not been compromised before. And the whole thing where you say that XBox Live has not been down once in four years, is such a lie it has gone down for maintenance before. I doubt you have even played on the PS3 because you have such biased views.
Congrats ...and the fact that PS3 sucks. ;)
Dang why are so many TTG users riding Mirosoft's ****? Have you even played on the PS3? What does XBox 360 do that the PS3 can not. I will grant you the Party System which is nice, however you have to pay to get that feature. So please enlighten me as to what feature is so grand and great on the XBox 360 that makes it better than the PS3 because I just do not see it at all.
The xbox is easier to comunicate on and has very good servers, the controler is confortable and actualy has voice messages.
the ps3 may have better gfx and all, but why buy it for that when you could buy an xbox360 for multiplayer and less people like you? yeah yeah, use the same old "RROD" excuse, but not once have i had a scratched disc/RRoD, i also like the fact we have less hacked lobbies even though we have J-Tags, you can just mod on the ps3 with a usb...
downside of xbox? squeaky little kiddies.
downside of ps3? crap servers, bad comunication and multiplayer and is far to easy to brake into.
I already said that the XBox has better communication with the whole party system. The controller comfort is completely opinion. Less people like me? What does that mean? I have both systems and I play both often I was just pointing the fact out that lots of TTG users have no experience with the PS3. I never mentioned the RRoD at all, it has actually been reduced in the latest "fat" XBox 360 and removed in the new "slim" XBox 360. You have never scratched a disc? Wow that is so cool, move your XBox while a disc in the tray and reply back to me. Both systems are hacked on CoD, especially because IW and Treyarch refuse to patch them. You can only mod the PS3 if you have version 3.55 or below. What do you mean by crap servers? I play on the PS3 every day and never experience any lag, however I really only Battlefield 3 and Gotham City Impostors. I do not have bad communication, if you truly have a bad experience with communication it is probably the game or someone has a bad mic. As if you can not get an infection on the XBox 360 and start to host modded lobbies, and you can also mod your World at War really easily with hot swapping on the XBox 360. Now I am pretty sure that you have to be on CFW to mod World at War.
VarictoDICE-rubbycubyyy-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
I didn't know that Sony leaked their customer's Credit and Debt cards. Just because the PSN got hacked and Sony took the PSN system offline does not mean that the XBox Live system has not been compromised before. And the whole thing where you say that XBox Live has not been down once in four years, is such a lie it has gone down for maintenance before. I doubt you have even played on the PS3 because you have such biased views.
Congrats ...and the fact that PS3 sucks. ;)
Dang why are so many TTG users riding Mirosoft's ****? Have you even played on the PS3? What does XBox 360 do that the PS3 can not. I will grant you the Party System which is nice, however you have to pay to get that feature. So please enlighten me as to what feature is so grand and great on the XBox 360 that makes it better than the PS3 because I just do not see it at all.
The xbox is easier to comunicate on and has very good servers, the controler is confortable and actualy has voice messages.
the ps3 may have better gfx and all, but why buy it for that when you could buy an xbox360 for multiplayer and less people like you? yeah yeah, use the same old "RROD" excuse, but not once have i had a scratched disc/RRoD, i also like the fact we have less hacked lobbies even though we have J-Tags, you can just mod on the ps3 with a usb...
downside of xbox? squeaky little kiddies.
downside of ps3? crap servers, bad comunication and multiplayer and is far to easy to brake into.
You can mod your 360 with a usb, not only gamesaves, and I think you need a little help with your spelling.
DICE-rubbycubyyy-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
I didn't know that Sony leaked their customer's Credit and Debt cards. Just because the PSN got hacked and Sony took the PSN system offline does not mean that the XBox Live system has not been compromised before. And the whole thing where you say that XBox Live has not been down once in four years, is such a lie it has gone down for maintenance before. I doubt you have even played on the PS3 because you have such biased views.
Congrats ...and the fact that PS3 sucks. ;)
Dang why are so many TTG users riding Mirosoft's ****? Have you even played on the PS3? What does XBox 360 do that the PS3 can not. I will grant you the Party System which is nice, however you have to pay to get that feature. So please enlighten me as to what feature is so grand and great on the XBox 360 that makes it better than the PS3 because I just do not see it at all.
The xbox is easier to comunicate on and has very good servers, the controler is confortable and actualy has voice messages.
the ps3 may have better gfx and all, but why buy it for that when you could buy an xbox360 for multiplayer and less people like you? yeah yeah, use the same old "RROD" excuse, but not once have i had a scratched disc/RRoD, i also like the fact we have less hacked lobbies even though we have J-Tags, you can just mod on the ps3 with a usb...
downside of xbox? squeaky little kiddies.
downside of ps3? crap servers, bad comunication and multiplayer and is far to easy to brake into.
rubbycubyyy-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
I didn't know that Sony leaked their customer's Credit and Debt cards. Just because the PSN got hacked and Sony took the PSN system offline does not mean that the XBox Live system has not been compromised before. And the whole thing where you say that XBox Live has not been down once in four years, is such a lie it has gone down for maintenance before. I doubt you have even played on the PS3 because you have such biased views.
Congrats ...and the fact that PS3 sucks. ;)
Dang why are so many TTG users riding Mirosoft's dick? Have you even played on the PS3? What does XBox 360 do that the PS3 can not. I will grant you the Party System which is nice, however you have to pay to get that feature. So please enlighten me as to what feature is so grand and great on the XBox 360 that makes it better than the PS3 because I just do not see it at all.
StanSD I think they forget to say that the PS3 could get the orange light or something when it was released.It is Known as the YLOD (yellow light of death)
i knew it i have played xbox since the original lol
like battlefield bad company 2 for xbox
like battlefield bad company 2 for xbox
-LOST- As if microsoft has not made mistakes! lol
they didn't leak credit card info, or they weren't offline for weeks. For the whole 4 years of playing i have not been down once. thanks biya xbox has better servers unlike ps3
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