Nintendo 3DS XL getting supersized with Circle Pad Pro extension

Sure, Nintendo could've made the 3DS XL even larger by attaching a second analog stick to it, but what fun would that be? Instead, Nintendo's launching an evolved Circle Pad Pro attachment for the larger 3DS "some time this year," according to Famitsu (via Andriasang).

The attachment was outed in the latest issue of the Japanese game mag, though it sadly lacked images (perhaps they were too large for a standard magazine?). Nintendo hasn't confirmed the attachment for North American retail just yet, but it's a safe bet it'll arrive here as well.




"Nintendo 3DS XL getting supersized with Circle Pad Pro extension" :: Login/Create an Account :: 51 comments

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Don't bother guys its just Nintendo flopping on another console nothing out of the ordinary.


That looks huge, really.


thats dumb just buy an xbox


Dubble Wow, they are making it BIGGER? i thought hand held gaming was built to be practical.

Yeah same as. It's gonna be like a portable Xbox :P

Portable xbox? Ur retarded :p its not that big to begin with so this is good I got a ps vita 3G now I will get 3dsxl when it comes out also xbox is a different company should of said portable gamecube cuz it would be the closest size from that company


That's gonna be coo.


Holy crap the xL now is huge, nintendo what ia wrong with you?


v Agreed


Dubble Wow, they are making it BIGGER? i thought hand held gaming was built to be practical.

Yeah same as. It's gonna be like a portable Xbox :P

lol yea but no ones going to get this, waste of money


Dubble Wow, they are making it BIGGER? i thought hand held gaming was built to be practical.

Yeah same as. It's gonna be like a portable Xbox :P


Wow, they are making it BIGGER? i thought hand held gaming was built to be practical.