Minecraft XBLA sells 3 million

Minecraft for Xbox Live Arcade has now surpassed 3 million units sold. The announcement comes via Twitter from Mojang's lord of the blocks, Markus "Notch" Persson, who wrote this morning: "I got told Minecraft for XBLA passed three million sales today!"

The $20 downloadable title launched on May 7 and sold a million units in five days. It then reached two million sales in early June. Minecraft for XBLA has also enjoyed significant support through updates, the latest (v 1.73) having gone live last week.


Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2012/07/20/minecraft-xbla-crafts-3-million-sales/#comments


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Cruise I don't see why people like that game!

It's actually really good, been playing it since Alpha on the pc lol :P

What is it about? Build stuff with bricks?

It's a block based game where you can build anything out of blocks :)

It's pretty decent when you download maps and play with friends!
I'm sure you know more than you're letting on buddy...

Playing with friends is awesome, playing alone can be alright if you know what you're doing, otherwise it can get abit boring, but i love the game anyway :)


Cruise I don't see why people like that game!

It's actually really good, been playing it since Alpha on the pc lol :P

What is it about? Build stuff with bricks?

It's a block based game where you can build anything out of blocks :)

It's pretty decent when you download maps and play with friends!
I'm sure you know more than you're letting on buddy...


Cruise I don't see why people like that game!

It's actually really good, been playing it since Alpha on the pc lol :P

What is it about? Build stuff with bricks?

It's a block based game where you can build anything out of blocks :)


Cruise I don't see why people like that game!

It's actually really good, been playing it since Alpha on the pc lol :P

What is it about? Build stuff with bricks?

not just bricks ;) dirt, sand, wood, gravel, wool, lmao


i never play this game


Cruise I don't see why people like that game!

It's actually really good, been playing it since Alpha on the pc lol :P


Cruise I don't see why people like that game!

It's a game where you can set it on peaceful and invite only and not have to worry about anything or anybody. It's just a great feeling harvesting and building stuff with no worries lol.


Axe I wonder how much money notch has made from that game.

Over 70 million just from the xbox 360 version. I have no clue how much money he has made on the PC version.

Well they have sold almost 7 million on the Pc version.
Damn that's alot for a game like this :P

Well they have almost made around 200 mil off of minecraft then.


Axe I wonder how much money notch has made from that game.

Over 70 million just from the xbox 360 version. I have no clue how much money he has made on the PC version.

Well they have sold almost 7 million on the Pc version.

Well they have almost made around 200 mil off of minecraft then.


Axe I wonder how much money notch has made from that game.

Over 70 million just from the xbox 360 version. I have no clue how much money he has made on the PC version.

Well they have sold almost 7 million on the Pc version.