Microsoft Invites Sony to Sign Its Own 10-Year Call of Duty Deal

Microsoft is inviting Sony to sign an agreement that would see the Call of Duty series appear on PlayStation platforms for another 10 years. Xbox boss Phil Spencer confirmed this morning Nintendo has already agreed to the deal, which takes effect should Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision go through. It now wishes to extend the offer to Sony too. The firm has also committed to keeping Call of Duty on Steam alongside Xbox.

In a new post on Twitter, Phil Spencer said: "Microsoft has entered into a 10-year commitment to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo following the merger of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard King.  Microsoft is committed to helping bring more games to more people – however they choose to play." He then followed up with confirmation of Microsoft's decision to keep Call of Duty on Steam for PC players.

In a separate tweet, Microsoft vice-chair and president Brad Smith speaks of bringing Call of Duty to more players and platforms through its purchase of Activision. "That's good for competition and good for consumers." He then says that "any day Sony wants to sit down and talk, we'll be happy to hammer out a 10-year deal for PlayStation as well".

It's unclear whether the deal means Nintendo platforms will receive the mainline Call of Duty entries day and date with PS5 and Xbox Series X|S platforms due to the less powerful specs of the Nintendo Switch, but this is still a big step forward for the franchise for the Big N. The last instalment to release on a Nintendo console was Call of Duty: Ghosts for the Wii U.

In a statement to Kotaku, Gabe Newell explained: "We’re happy that Microsoft wants to continue using Steam to reach customers with Call of Duty when their Activision acquisition closes. Microsoft has been on Steam for a long time and we take it as a signal that they are happy with gamers reception to that and the work we are doing."

Sony has vehemently fought against Microsoft's intended acquisition of Activision, claiming its proposed deals are "inadequate" and the buyout would "have major negative implications for gamers and the future of the gaming industry". The latest report suggests the FTC could file an antitrust lawsuit against the acquisition, as claimed by Politico.

Related Forum: Call of Duty Forum



"Microsoft Invites Sony to Sign Its Own 10-Year Call of Duty Deal" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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10 years is really being generous fro MS

Plus, it will more likely will be extended for another 10 years afterwards etc


Yeah they won't take it away from psn lol they'd lose soo much money fr