Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster File Size Is Surprisingly Small

The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection will be arriving on Switch on April 19, bringing the first six games in the series to modern audiences in both individual releases and as a collection. The file size for the games has been recently released, and whether you're planning to get just one or all six, the download won't be taking up much room on your Switch or PlayStation.

As revealed on the bundle's official order page on the Nintendo e-shop, downloading all six games will only take up 5.7 GB of storage space — less than one gigabyte per game in the collection. No file size is currently available from the PlayStation Store, where the game will be sold for PlayStation 4 and also playable on the PlayStation 5, but it's likely to be a pretty similar number.

Nintendo Everything has broken down that file size number even further, listing off the sizes of each of the six individual games on Switch. As the most recent, Final Fantasy 6 is the biggest, coming in at 1.3 GB, followed by Final Fantasy 5 at 974 MB. The third and fourth games in the series each come in at 734 MB, while the original Final Fantasy only weighs in at 612 MB. Surprisingly, Final Fantasy 2 is the lightest of all, coming in at a meager 601 MB of storage space.

It's not entirely unexpected, seeing as all the games were released during Nintendo's 8 and 16-bit eras of the NES and SNES. Square (now Square Enix) released the first Final Fantasy game in 1987, while the most recent game in the collection came out nearly 30 year ago, in April 1994.

The six remastered JRPGs come with a variety of new and classic features, such as letting you switch between a graphically upgraded text font and soundtrack or one more in line with the original releases. The full collection will cost $74.99, but the individual games can be purchased for as little as $11.99 each.

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Oh WOW!! it's going to be full of pixels O.O

it's going to be great


Well yeah somthing like this won't be a big file size I mean the game is literally pixels and pry not a long game