New Princess Peach Game Announced for Nintendo Switch

Nintendo has announced a new Super Mario spin-off game centered around Princess Peach is in development and will be coming to Switch next year. Throughout Nintendo's history, Peach is a character that often hasn't received her own individual games. Outside of the Nintendo DS title Super Princess Peach, the famous heroine often is seen alongside Mario, Luigi, and other characters in various Nintendo games. Now, Peach will be thrust into the spotlight on her own in a new project that still has a number of unknown elements.

Revealed during today's Direct presentation, Nintendo announced that it's working on a new game for Switch where Princess Peach will be the primary player-controlled character. The game, which doesn't have an official title just yet, was shown off very briefly during the broadcast and those at Nintendo didn't say much about what it will entail. It is known that this Princess Peach game will be arriving at some point in 2024, but outside of this, there's little else currently known.

While there's not much known about this untitled Peach game, Nintendo did happen to show off a bit of the title in action. Based on that footage, this project seems to be a side-scroller in nature and sees Peach running throughout an environment that takes place on a stage. There also seem to be a number of new characters that Peach will meet over the course of this game.

In all likelihood, Nintendo won't end up talking much more about this Princess Peach title for Switch until many more months down the road. Currently, the company is focused on its games that are going to launch in 2023 which include Pikmin 4, Detective Pikachu Returns, and its new remake of Super Mario RPG. Once all of these titles end up launching on Switch, though, it seems like we'll begin to get some deeper looks at what this Peach title will have in store.

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Runts youd think theyd hold off on some for the new switch coming

That's would of actually made sense but that would require the devs to have a brain


CalicoReidso they need to hod off on games like this, and bring out the better ones like batman etc fr ffs

They have good and bad releases to make the good ones look better imo


Princess peach the only game I thought I would never see


they need to hod off on games like this, and bring out the better ones like batman etc fr ffs


youd think theyd hold off on some for the new switch coming