PlayStation 5 Hackers Finally Make Bloodborne At 60 FPS A Reality

Programmer and developer Illusion was able to implement a 60 FPS patch created by Lance MCDonald for Bloodborne on a hacked PlayStation 5 console, and now the game runs smoothly for the first time on a console without any display or performance hiccups.

Until now it was thought that modding games was only applicable to PS4 games on hacked PS4 consoles, but Illusion proved a few days ago that this wasn't the case. They shared a video of Uncharted Legacy Collection on PS5 and a debug mode menu where the modder was able to use cheats like infinite ammo and other things. The game was also seen running at a stable 60 FPS at Quad HD resolution (2560 × 1440 pixels in a 16:9 aspect ratio).

Shortly thereafter, they set out to test the ability to mod other games and enhance their FPS performance on hacked PS5 consoles. Among the games they chose were Gravity Rush 2, Shadow Of The Colossus, Red Dead Redemption 2, and of course Bloodborne, all of which were tested to work well and run at 1440p60 FPS on the PS5.

The implications of this, at least for the modding community, is that modded games will not have to sacrifice quality and resources in order to run at higher framerates, something the PS4 suffered from. Thanks to Illusion's test results, it seems that running mods on the PS5 is a smooth process with little to no problems.

Needless to say, you can't just go out and hack your PS5 right now, as it requires a certain firmware version and programming knowledge. However, this proves that the PS5 is capable of feats similar to the Xbox's FPS Boost on older games.

As for whether or not Bloodborne will get an official remaster treatment, the last thing we heard about it was God of War creator David Jaffe saying earlier this year that there is indeed an enhanced Bloodborne in the works, and debunking any rumors about the possibility of a sequel in development.

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"PlayStation 5 Hackers Finally Make Bloodborne At 60 FPS A Reality" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Sony, make this happen on the OFW PS5's ffs


bloodbourne needs a 60fps update, if hackers can do it then sony can too.


see this is why sometimes hackers are good to have around lol