PS4 and Next-Generation Xbox to be announced in March?

Rumors have been published in the February edition of Game Informer that suggest that both Microsoft and Sony will be delivering "special Apple-style press conferences" right before E3.

Sources have now confirmed that both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox 720 game platforms will be revealed before E3, although no specific dates have been given at this time.

"We hear that both Sony and Microsoft are targeting special Apple-style press conferences to unveil their platforms near the Game Developers Conference in late March," reads the Game Informer report.

"E3 in June may be the industry's biggest event, but both companies want to give their systems their own limelight," the piece adds.

Analyst Colin Sebastian of Baird Equity Research has suggested that the PS4 and the Xbox 720 will be priced in the $350-$400 range.

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"PS4 and Next-Generation Xbox to be announced in March?" :: Login/Create an Account :: 122 comments

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i hope we are able to play xbox 360 games on the new xbox... i am not trying to bu all new games


I hope it's good.


VisionaryMGMT $350-$400? Why don't you guys just put $500 towards a Gaming PC, have a LOT of fun with it and have it last for a while? oh wait, and free online and great steam deals daily. Yup.

Because you're not paying for the quality with the Xbox/Playstation, you're paying for the reliability and sense of security in knowing(or at least thinking) that it's a somewhat well built console with support from most major developers, so you'll be able to get your favorite games. Plus, a gaming console appeals more to the average family, considering it's moderately priced and it has content suitable for children, teenagers, and adults. That's just my two cents though.

Yes but here's where things get important.

I've had 3 xboxs. 1 Banned, 1 CD tray broke, and 1 working now.

Oh your CD Tray broke? With an xbox, you can't just spend $20 on a new CD tray and replace it. You need to dump another $200 down the drain. Not only that, but (sometimes) PC parts come with a lifetime warrenty. if it EVER breaks, you get a new one for free.

Oh wait, console bans? Can't happen on PC. They can only ban your account, which, is amazing.

They obviously banned you for no reason, stupid microsoft.


The timeline sounds just about right. Announced in the spring and available in the winter


VisionaryMGMT $350-$400? Why don't you guys just put $500 towards a Gaming PC, have a LOT of fun with it and have it last for a while? oh wait, and free online and great steam deals daily. Yup.

Because you're not paying for the quality with the Xbox/Playstation, you're paying for the reliability and sense of security in knowing(or at least thinking) that it's a somewhat well built console with support from most major developers, so you'll be able to get your favorite games. Plus, a gaming console appeals more to the average family, considering it's moderately priced and it has content suitable for children, teenagers, and adults. That's just my two cents though.

Yes but here's where things get important.

I've had 3 xboxs. 1 Banned, 1 CD tray broke, and 1 working now.

Oh your CD Tray broke? With an xbox, you can't just spend $20 on a new CD tray and replace it. You need to dump another $200 down the drain. Not only that, but (sometimes) PC parts come with a lifetime warrenty. if it EVER breaks, you get a new one for free.

Oh wait, console bans? Can't happen on PC. They can only ban your account, which, is amazing.

1)Most games on xbox and ps3 server ban now. Example, my gt is banned on black ops 2 server but is online safe.
2)I would rather shovel out the amount for a console and pay the warranty than pay double that to get a computer to run the game with the quality of a console.
3)PC will ALWAYS be underdogged. Just go on Black Ops 2 and look at the player count, last time i checked your under 20k players. ;) Ps3 is close to 750k people playing just on Black Ops 2 alone.
4)It isn't hard to replace a dvd drive for an xbox, just need to dump, swap keys and etc, flash and your done.

I in no way ment to be offensive by the way :)


I already knew this way gonna happen.


VisionaryMGMT $350-$400? Why don't you guys just put $500 towards a Gaming PC, have a LOT of fun with it and have it last for a while? oh wait, and free online and great steam deals daily. Yup.

Because you're not paying for the quality with the Xbox/Playstation, you're paying for the reliability and sense of security in knowing(or at least thinking) that it's a somewhat well built console with support from most major developers, so you'll be able to get your favorite games. Plus, a gaming console appeals more to the average family, considering it's moderately priced and it has content suitable for children, teenagers, and adults. That's just my two cents though.

Yes but here's where things get important.

I've had 3 xboxs. 1 Banned, 1 CD tray broke, and 1 working now.

Oh your CD Tray broke? With an xbox, you can't just spend $20 on a new CD tray and replace it. You need to dump another $200 down the drain. Not only that, but (sometimes) PC parts come with a lifetime warrenty. if it EVER breaks, you get a new one for free.

Oh wait, console bans? Can't happen on PC. They can only ban your account, which, is amazing.


I think I'll be sticking to my 360


VisionaryMGMT $350-$400? Why don't you guys just put $500 towards a Gaming PC, have a LOT of fun with it and have it last for a while? oh wait, and free online and great steam deals daily. Yup.

Because you're not paying for the quality with the Xbox/Playstation, you're paying for the reliability and sense of security in knowing(or at least thinking) that it's a somewhat well built console with support from most major developers, so you'll be able to get your favorite games. Plus, a gaming console appeals more to the average family, considering it's moderately priced and it has content suitable for children, teenagers, and adults. That's just my two cents though.

RROD and YLOD yeah that's reliable.

If you know how to take care of an xbox/ps3 it would last. Had my xbox since june/july 07 and well its still running.

LOL right,it was a design fault and nothing to do with "knowing how to look after your console" i still have NES's,Gameboy originals,Commodeore 64's and loads of other retro consoles nearly 30 years old that work perfectly so i think i know how to look after them.


-GL Dang this will be very interesting to see which console sucessed more.

I'm going to go ahead and say the 720, PS4 comes out after and I'm sure will copy.

We all know that the 360 is better than the ps3 nothing will change XBOX all the way!!

XBOX Live is better than PSN and the controller is better than the Dual Shock 3 but the 360 isn't a better console than the PS3 at all.