Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Download Size Is Massive

Start clearing space on your PS5 right now, because Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is HUGE. Over the last decade, we've seen a massive jump in how big video games can be. On the Xbox 360 and PS3, you could download a full game for 10 GBS, maybe 20 at the very max if it was a pretty big game. That was a lot back then, though, with how big storage was on the consoles, internet speeds, and more. It would've been absurd if games were the size they are today all the way back then. Now, games can be anywhere from 40 or 50 GBS (deemed reasonable nowadays) to well over a hundred. Some games are so massive that players are willing to compromise on this and accept that it eats a quarter of their console's storage, but it can be a huge issue still. Games like NBA 2K, Call of Duty, and more are in the hundreds of GBs and many have argued there's no good reason for this.

With that said, there's a new contender looking to take up a large portion of your PS5. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is finally almost here and according to Twitter account PlayStation Game Size (a reputable source for games/apps on the PlayStation Store servers), the game will be just shy of 150GBs. The game will weigh in at about 145 GBs and this may not even include day one updates. Given the PS5 has a 1TB SSD by default, though not all of that is usable. It's actually around 850GBs in total, so this would be a huge chunk of your PlayStation 5's storage. Still, it's expected Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be one of the biggest games of 2024 both commercially and in terms of content. The last game offered dozens of hours of content and we can likely expect even more from the sequel.

Whether or not that appeals to you is completely subjective. Some people have online games, like Call of Duty, that they play regularly and have a hard time making sacrifices to free up space for a game like this. Either way, if you're expecting to get the game, start thinking about what you may want to delete from your console!

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geez, glad I've got a decent download speed, so it doesn't take days to download this fr


That's one of the most annoying things now days is how big games are