EA CFO: Next-gen game prices not yet decided

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen says next-generation game prices are yet to be decided.

"Typically at the start of a cycle you've seen the pricing raised to, say, $69 for a core piece of software" He said at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference today.
"And then over the life of those it's drifted down to an introduction price of around $59. We haven't yet set pricing on our gen-fours but you'll probably see a similar trend to that during the start of the next cycle" He added.

This comes after Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO - Jack Tretton - indicated that PS4 retail games will cost $60.

He also talked about the possibility of Battlefield 4 on next-gen consoles:
"I'd say between now and E3 you're going to see a lot of stuff from us. We're very excited about Sony's platform. The technical power on the platform is going to allow us to do a substantial amount of things we've never done before.

"I've seen the new Battlefield and it is stunning. It is just amazing what the imagination of the game developers are allowed to do with that much power"

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"EA CFO: Next-gen game prices not yet decided" :: Login/Create an Account :: 157 comments

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Reduction You guys are complaining, here in Australia, new released games cost an average of $80-110
which is ridiculous (I understand AUD to USD conversion)

Why would it be different?


games should be free but pay for what uptime you have


Reduction You guys are complaining, here in Australia, new released games cost an average of $80-110
which is ridiculous (I understand AUD to USD conversion)

That's outrageous!


You guys are complaining, here in Australia, new released games cost an average of $80-110
which is ridiculous (I understand AUD to USD conversion)


Damp dang, if they do raise it to 70 that's going to suck, they should at least cost 50

$10 extra dollars won't kill us...

10$ extra per game adds up pretty quickly though.

For like 3 new games (my yearly average) its $30, that is nothing.


Damp dang, if they do raise it to 70 that's going to suck, they should at least cost 50

$10 extra dollars won't kill us...

10$ extra per game adds up pretty quickly though.


Damp dang, if they do raise it to 70 that's going to suck, they should at least cost 50

$10 extra dollars won't kill us...


ME0W Hopefully they will cost the same as they do now.

It looks like they are going to.


Hopefully they will cost the same as they do now.


dang, if they do raise it to 70 that's going to suck, they should at least cost 50