Rumour: Next Xbox 'will be expensive', May 21 reveal suggested

Microsoft's next-generation Xbox will be announced at an event on May 21, it's been claimed.

The new console is said to be "expensive" and could cost up to $500 USD, or $300 with a subscription model.
That's according to US reporter Paul Thurrott, speaking via What The Tech and well known in technology circles for his Microsoft leaks.

According to Thurrgott Microsoft originally planned to unveil its next console at the end of April - as first reported by CVG but the firm has shifted focus to an event in May.

[UPDATE: The Verge has backed up Thurrgott's claims and is also reporting plans for an Xbox reveal on May 21.

"Sources familiar with Microsoft's Xbox plans have revealed that the event will be at a small venue with a focus on providing the very first details on the next Xbox, codenamed Durango, and Microsoft's plans for Xbox in 2013," it says.]

The next Xbox will be a Windows 8 device and use Blu-ray discs, he said, with a release planned for this November.

"Durango is going to be expensive; $500, $300 with a subscription - that kind of thing," he said.

"Originally, they were going to announce this thing on April 24. Now they're going to announce it on May 21. We know there are events occurring this year where we're going to learn more about Durango.

"E3 is going to occur, Build is going to occur in San Francisco in June when they're going to talk about the developer story - because it's a Windows 8 device. It's going to have the same, or basically the same, developer tools and developer APIs and all that kind of stuff."

The blogger also corroborated the growing number of reports that the next Xbox will require an internet connection to play games, but expressed surprise over the negativity surrounding Durango in some corners of the gaming public.

"Going back and looking at some of the stuff I got a long time ago, it actually says 'must be internet connected to use' - that's in the notes. That's all I have, but it does say that," he said.

"For me everything I've seen has been really positive. It's amazing to me that based on no information at all everyone is freaking out.

"Aside from this online thing, the number one concern I've gotten from people is 'what does it look like?' Who gives a shit?"

Thurrott also claims Microsoft will launch a new Xbox 360 console this year, 'codename Stingray', for $99.

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"Rumour: Next Xbox 'will be expensive', May 21 reveal suggested" :: Login/Create an Account :: 124 comments

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That sucks if it's gonna be that expensive, I don't play on my xbox is enough to consider buying a console thats as expensive as this.


It Will Be Around $400 Because Of The Stuff It Includes!


i have no problem paying more for quality, but i WILL NOT buy it for a high price if they have got rid of used games.


-Los_Angeles- can someone tell me what a subscription means please

Basically like the current xbox, you can buy it for 99$ but then you have a XBOX live gold fee of like 15$/month for a few months.

Currently the term for the 99 dollar Xbox is 15 dollars a month for 24 months, that's pretty bad in my mind


Wagering I'm sure the price is fair, we still don't know how advanced "Durango" is yet.

if its $500 it better be a great console...


I'm sure the price is fair, we still don't know how advanced "Durango" is yet.


Ankoku Are you people stupid consoles have been that much for years! Xbox 360 was 399$ when i got it like 6 years ago. PS3 was 599$ for 60 gigs. And you kids are complaining about 500$ that you're parents will be buying not you. Chill out.

Yes, back then when the economy was ok, $400 seemed good for a console. Now that the economy is total sh*t, $500 for a console, you're only renting, is too much. Also, by the way you seem to be so unaware of the status of the economy, it seems to me like its your parents buying you the consoles.

Amazing comment! 100% Agree.

The price is fine to me, 500$ for a console you will play everyday (or can play) and they're telling you, it's only 300$ if you buy a subscription.

The economy has never really changed dramatically. If you don't know what a subscription do some googling please because sometimes I ask myself are you even old enough to be here. Second get a job to buy the new xbox or let your parents deal with the cost since they'll be the one buying it for you. A console isn't cheap to build. Engineers need to find ways to design a console with the proper technology so games can be played at its best performance. Technology advances very fast and not to mention its the launch of the new generation in consoles, do you really expect it to be cheap?


-Los_Angeles- can someone tell me what a subscription means please

Basically like the current xbox, you can buy it for 99$ but then you have a XBOX live gold fee of like 15$/month for a few months.


Im not gonna be getting 'Durango' when its released anyway, cause there might be some kind of problem with it like connection issues or whatever, and if there is, the customer service would be backed up with complaints so it would be impossible to get help with it. Adding that $500 price tag (about 385 where I am)to it,I think ill be sticking with my 360 until the price drops!


I hope this will be able to level or even overcome the ps4