FIFA 14 will reveal to press this week - rumour

Just a quick one before lunch - reportedly, people in Spain have been invited to the first ever showing of FIFA 14, this year's inevitable sequel. EA producer Sebastian Enrique and FIFA 13 producer Nick Channon are said to be in attendance.

That's according to RegionPS, via PlayStationer. Eww, Playstations! Wash away the sallow taste of the word by reading our miraculously prophetic coverage of where the latest FIFA may head.

FIFA 14 will go large on connectivity, according to series boss David Rutter, in what could be a hint as to the capabilities of next generation consoles.
"If you look at how our business in video games used to be - you'd make a game, put it in a box, sell it, people would play it and then you'd repeat - as we've gone onto the 360, the idea that most consoles are now connected lets us go beyond just serving consumers updates to the game," Rutter told us last year.

"Do we deliver new features throughout the year, update gameplay - do we update the entire game at the end of the season rather than release new packaged goods? Those are things that aren't necessarily supported yet by first parties or ourselves, but as the industry side changes the way games are made I think that's the way things will go."

EA has a well-documented wider interest in connected experiences, as you probably already know, and the latest rumours suggest that Xbox 720 will be an always-online machine. Thoughts?

Related Forum: EAFC Forum



"FIFA 14 will reveal to press this week - rumour" :: Login/Create an Account :: 61 comments

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I actually can't wait for its release!


Dharma I never got into fifa or understood what is so cool about it. :/

You have to start trading and selling/buying in order to get into it, its fun to build your team up.


I never got into fifa or understood what is so cool about it. :/


640 hopefully they will fix alot of bugs in this.

Fix the servers and i will be happy


640 hopefully they will fix alot of bugs in this.

Im sure they will, most games do. They will prolly add some new players and update the graphics.


Gonna be a great game as was fifa 13. Cant wait to see the graphics.


"Can't wait!"
It's the same every year with another ball added and players nerfed :/


Can't wait for Fifa 14


hopefully they will fix alot of bugs in this.


Pear COnference

Ea - The moment you have been waiting for FIFA 14 [ save cover as previous year ]
Press - WOOOO, but whats new ?
Ea - This year we are please to announce a new football and new boots

October/November - They earn millions from the same game with new graphics and a new football/football boots

That's how all of these games work.