Nintendo Cracking Down on Leaks

Leak culture is a big part of the video game industry. Fans are constantly speculating about the next major games to be announced, and the social media era has seen a lot of leakers pop up online. While some of these are just people making educated guesses, others have proven to be reliable sources with inside information directly from the company. Nintendo has been no stranger to leaks; last year's Super Mario RPG remake was leaked online ahead of its debut in a Nintendo Direct. At a recent shareholders meeting, Nintendo was asked about these types of leaks, and the company offered an explanation about how it plans to address them in the future.

"We have become aware of the specific issues pointed out through media reports and other sources. We work with specialist companies to diagnose information security and take various other measures. The company has introduced information security management as part of its internal information security system, and is also working on continuous education for employees."

It remains to be seen whether these measures will be successful, but it's worth noting that this month's Nintendo Direct seemed to have fewer leaks than we've seen in the past. There were rumors about some of the games that appeared, but announcements for games like Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics and Mario & Luigi: Brothership both came as a very big surprise to viewers, and that seemed to result in a more positive experience. While some fans really do like leaks, a lot of others prefer to see these games as Nintendo intends.

With a successor to Nintendo Switch set to be revealed within the next year, it's more important than ever for Nintendo to clamp down on leaks, if it wants to control the narrative. Leaks can color opinion around a console or game before it gets announced, leading to an uphill battle for the company. While there have been a couple of small leaks regarding the "Nintendo Switch 2," things have been largely quiet, suggesting that the company has managed to keep a tight lid on things like new software and the system's capabilities. However, it remains to be seen whether the company will be able to keep things quiet over the coming months.

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gotta love nintendo being scummy and sue anyone and everyone in their path.

Runts Love to see this I wish everyone would

what you dont like knowing about metroid prime 4 and many other games nintendo refuses/refused to talk about?
you dont want to know what the next nintendo console looks like in its developer version?
you dont like knowing about games nintendo and many others are working on?

everyone hates to see this happen esp when nintendo is suing people doing preservation which they refuse to release old games on switch.

no one likes to see this.


Love to see this I wish everyone would