Microsoft updates complaint feature on Xbox Live

If you are an Xbox Live user and you wish to file a complaint about what another user has done on the online gaming service, Microsoft will now be sending you messages back if they happen to take any action on your issue.

Polygon reports that Microsoft quietly started this new practice on Xbox Live earlier this year. In a statement, Microsoft said:

"When a member files a complaint against another player, the complaint feedback feature will notify select complainants that one or more of their complaints have resulted in enforcement action. Members will be notified via in-dash messaging and may view additional information at
For example, Xbox Live users may feel they are being bullied or harassed by other members while they are online playing a game. If Microsoft examines the evidence against that user and finds any cause for concern, they can take a number of actions, ranging from barring any communication in online games to Xbox Live account suspensions, all the way up to physical Xbox 360 console bans.

Microsoft may also remove points from an Xbox Live account holder's Gamerscore if they receive complaints they have tried to cheat to unlock achievements. Microsoft said that adding feedback to complaint reports "is one feature in several near- and long-term product and service enhancements that we have in the works."

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"Microsoft updates complaint feature on Xbox Live" :: Login/Create an Account :: 98 comments

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Whats the point, when Xbox One is out soon.


Hell yea now its time to get rid of those cheaters on bops 2


Dumb_Modz So this is why I got console banned when 1 profile was banned.

And it was probably your fault? :P

100% my fault I was just shocked it only took 1 profile last console took 3

They usually only console ban if you have multiple accounts, they say you get c-banned for using multiple accounts to minimize the chances of individual bans, maybe they just don't like you...


This is so old. I was getting these messages months ago for reporting all the cheaters on COD.


The report system on Xbox live was stupid, if you reported someone for everything then that person gets suspended for 2 days or perma-ban. I don't know if they changed it.


Dumb_Modz So this is why I got console banned when 1 profile was banned.

And it was probably your fault? :P

100% my fault I was just shocked it only took 1 profile last console took 3

I think you mod or hack then that's what will get you console banned when 1 account gets banned.


Frog They never do anything when I report call of duty hackers... =

You realize this guys receive 1000's of reports everyday right? it's hard for them to just simply go with one report at a time, these reports are flagged and tagged and organize according to seriousness, now if one person was constantly complained on eventually their gamertag would be flagged and tagged and not just the complaint and that because an importance that they check on before anything else! It's all based on the level of importance that they have pre-configured in their databases

wow sooo many typos, I was being rushed..... here's what I meant to say:

You realize these guys receive thousands of reports everyday right? It's hard for them to just simply go with one report at a time, these reports are flagged and tagged and organize according to seriousness, now if one person was constantly complained on eventually their gamertag would be flagged and tagged and not just the complaint and that becomes an importance that they check on before anything else! It's all based on the level of importance that they have pre-configured in their databases.


Frog They never do anything when I report call of duty hackers... =

You realize this guys receive 1000's of reports everyday right? it's hard for them to just simply go with one report at a time, these reports are flagged and tagged and organize according to seriousness, now if one person was constantly complained on eventually their gamertag would be flagged and tagged and not just the complaint and that because an importance that they check on before anything else! It's all based on the level of importance that they have pre-configured in their databases


Dumb_Modz So this is why I got console banned when 1 profile was banned.

And it was probably your fault? :P

100% my fault I was just shocked it only took 1 profile last console took 3


They never do anything when I report call of duty hackers... =