Microsoft Allegedly Paying Publishers to Not Show PS4 Games at E3

Microsoft is allegedly paying many third-party publishers so that they won't show off their PlayStation 4 games at E3 2013, according to a new report.

E3 2013, the most important games convention out there, is set to begin next week, and both Microsoft and Sony are expected to focus heavily on their next-gen consoles, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, respectively.

In order to gain the upper hand on Sony, Microsoft is apparently resorting to some unorthodox practices, like paying a lot of money to third-party publishers so that they won't show their PlayStation 4 games either on stage or at their actual booths.

The report arrives from a source on NeoGAF, which posted a lot of true rumors in the past, so it's possible that Microsoft really is resorting to such tactics ahead of E3 2013.

The company emphasized that at the event it's going to focus only on games for the Xbox One, so it could try to create a false sense that more games are coming to Xbox One than PS4.

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"Microsoft Allegedly Paying Publishers to Not Show PS4 Games at E3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 152 comments

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Lol @ Microsoft, there such a fail.


i found this quite funny.


gtapro151 dosent matter im getting ps4 anyway they dont ban my console every 5 minutes

Maybe, Microsoft wont ban you if you stop doing things against the code of conduct. Microsoft cares a little more for their customers. If you got banned you obviously deserved it so do not blame the company because they banned because YOU did something you weren't suppose to.


Does not surprise, but it is not affecting my decision on getting the Xbox One.


Surprised it hasn't cropped up before, i'm sure this has been done before by either company.

I'm a bit annoyed about that as I find all the new games information at e3. :/


Are people on this site retarded?'


It's just another rumor from an idiotic journalist trying to get popular.

These Rumors are so pathetic.


Meh, typical Microsoft... Does not surprise me at all. I don't have much respect for the company.


dosent matter im getting ps4 anyway they dont ban my console every 5 minutes


They would need to do something like this


I believe this because in my opinion. Every one is going to Ps4