Microsoft Allegedly Paying Publishers to Not Show PS4 Games at E3

Microsoft is allegedly paying many third-party publishers so that they won't show off their PlayStation 4 games at E3 2013, according to a new report.

E3 2013, the most important games convention out there, is set to begin next week, and both Microsoft and Sony are expected to focus heavily on their next-gen consoles, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, respectively.

In order to gain the upper hand on Sony, Microsoft is apparently resorting to some unorthodox practices, like paying a lot of money to third-party publishers so that they won't show their PlayStation 4 games either on stage or at their actual booths.

The report arrives from a source on NeoGAF, which posted a lot of true rumors in the past, so it's possible that Microsoft really is resorting to such tactics ahead of E3 2013.

The company emphasized that at the event it's going to focus only on games for the Xbox One, so it could try to create a false sense that more games are coming to Xbox One than PS4.

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"Microsoft Allegedly Paying Publishers to Not Show PS4 Games at E3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 152 comments

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ODST It's a sad day when competition becomes a thing of the past and low blows like this are dealt. Way to go Micro$oft, now I officially hate you.

You're an idiot. You don't think Sony has done anything like this? Every company does this, it's business. You probably a 12 year old kid, you wouldn't understand because of your ignorance.
you dont need to be such an asshole mr.knowitall


Microsoft is playing this strategically. Looking to draw more customers in with their product by paying third parties to not show the PS4. Brilliant and innovative.


To everyone complaining about this: If you owned an extremely successful business you would do the same, so get your ignorance out of here,. It's business.


ODST It's a sad day when competition becomes a thing of the past and low blows like this are dealt. Way to go Micro$oft, now I officially hate you.

You're an idiot. You don't think Sony has done anything like this? Every company does this, it's business. You probably a 12 year old kid, you wouldn't understand because of your ignorance.


Annnnnnd this is pretty much all ttg can do lately, post rumours with no real substance. I'm kinda shocked at the quality of all the recent news stories on here, things used to read alot better and it didn't seem like ttg was a huge rumour mill ....what happened.


ODST It's a sad day when competition becomes a thing of the past and low blows like this are dealt. Way to go Micro$oft, now I officially hate you.

If you think big companies haven't been doing stuff like this since the industrial revolution, you're horribly mistaken. This is simply business.


The source to this article is a post on a thread with no concrete evidence. Yes the individual that posted it in certain occasions has been correct about certain rumors, but this is a huge claim to make without evidence.

I could easily say this is part of a Sony fanboyism conspiracy, sad part is that half of the people that read news online believe everything they read. (It's on the internet it must be true right?)

At the end of the day, it's no different from Timed DLC, both Sony and Microsoft are guilty of this crappy tactic. (Good for business, bad for fans).


It's a sad day when competition becomes a thing of the past and low blows like this are dealt. Way to go Micro$oft, now I officially hate you.


That's just sad.


That's business. It's all about the money.