UPDATE: If you're banned on Xbox One, you will Lose all your Game Titles

Original story: A recent tweet by the Xbox support team has stated that if you get banned on Xbox One, you lose all your games. This is another reason why you should stay clean and follow the terms of use on Xbox One. The Xbox support staff has been answering many questions on twitter about the console and features the system beholds.

UPDATE: Thanks Matt.

The Xbox Support Twitter now claims they were talking about the Xbox 360 and not the Xbox One, They are unable to comment on Xbox One ban policy at this time.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: Original /r/gaming reddit / Update E-mail Tip - Twitter


"UPDATE: If you're banned on Xbox One, you will Lose all your Game Titles" :: Login/Create an Account :: 330 comments

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Looks like there is no way im going to buy the xbox one! Hello Ps4


generalhunter I don't want hackers and cheats in my cheat so good they ruin it for everyone

You're on a modding website, you realize that correct? This entire website was founded around modding and exploiting games. haha

It's one of those things where it is but it isn't. TTG was a modding site, but now they want to step slowly away from that and into general technology.

myself i herd about this back when mw2 was out for the fact it was a modding site


$500 for hardcore restrictions. No thank you.


I dont believe this twitter account because it only has 21K followers? If it was the official Xbox Support twitter then im sure it would have more than 21K people following it.


generalhunter I don't want hackers and cheats in my cheat so good they ruin it for everyone

You're on a modding website, you realize that correct? This entire website was founded around modding and exploiting games. haha

It's one of those things where it is but it isn't. TTG was a modding site, but now they want to step slowly away from that and into general technology.


Oasis Been banned once and I deserved it, lost everything but at the end of the day I was asking for trouble. Learnt my lesson and it surprises me to see people claiming their innocent when obviously they're not. Xbox has a rule book like every company, if you think that Sony will turn a blind eye then I hope you're right because I'd rather not play online with you.

say you are banned for cursing somebody out on Call of Duty. Now every game you bought you can't play. You need to buy a new one. Say you had, 13 $60 dollar games, well sucks for you man.

If you curse people out on call of duty you deserve to be banned, you guys are the most annoying people I have ever met online.

never once did I say you don't deserve to be banned for cursing somebody out. but that shouldn't affect your purchased games, idiot. If I curse somebody out it has nothing to do with every game I bought.

If you purchase a game you should own the rights to it, so them taking it away is really dumb. Sony has said once you purchase a game for their console you obtain the rights to do anything you want with it(legal of course).


generalhunter I don't want hackers and cheats in my cheat so good they ruin it for everyone

You're on a modding website, you realize that correct? This entire website was founded around modding and exploiting games. haha


Still dumb that they would do it for the 360, this still leaves the chance that they might to it for the Xbox one, Still getting my PS4


Oasis Been banned once and I deserved it, lost everything but at the end of the day I was asking for trouble. Learnt my lesson and it surprises me to see people claiming their innocent when obviously they're not. Xbox has a rule book like every company, if you think that Sony will turn a blind eye then I hope you're right because I'd rather not play online with you.

say you are banned for cursing somebody out on Call of Duty. Now every game you bought you can't play. You need to buy a new one. Say you had, 13 $60 dollar games, well sucks for you man.

If you curse people out on call of duty you deserve to be banned, you guys are the most annoying people I have ever met online.

never once did I say you don't deserve to be banned for cursing somebody out. but that shouldn't affect your purchased games, idiot. If I curse somebody out it has nothing to do with every game I bought.


This seals the deal for me, PS4 here I come.