Xbox One's memory performance has been hugely underestimated

The Xbox One Messaging Carnival continues with the discovery that Microsoft may have underestimated the new console's technical prowess, according to a report published by Digital Foundry. Citing a number of Xbox One developers, the site claims that the machine's embedded static RAM may crunch almost twice as much data a second as initially suggested.

We were previously told that the ESRAM could handle around 102 GB a second. The real maximum figure could be as high as 192 GB a second - no inconsiderable jump. I'm going to lapse into both direct quotation and technical jargon now, so if that kind of thing rubs you the wrong way, skip to the second pair of scare quotes.

"According to sources who have been briefed by Microsoft, the original bandwidth claim derives from a pretty basic calculation - 128 bytes per block multiplied by the GPU speed of 800MHz offers up the previous max throughput of 102.4GB/s," reads the piece.

"It's believed that this calculation remains true for separate read/write operations from and to the ESRAM. However, with near-final production silicon, Microsoft techs have found that the hardware is capable of reading and writing simultaneously. Apparently, there are spare processing cycle "holes" that can be utilised for additional operations.
"Theoretical peak performance is one thing, but in real-life scenarios it's believed that 133GB/s throughput has been achieved with alpha transparency blending operations (FP16 x4)."

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"Xbox One's memory performance has been hugely underestimated" :: Login/Create an Account :: 72 comments

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thats good, but its still going to lose out because of the price of the console.


I might just stick to my workstation with 768 GB of ram


Gossip No matter what Microsoft does, I am still buying the One

That's pretty much how i feel about it as well. I hope they aren't just saying this to trick us into buying the console.


I think your home connection speed has to affect the console's memory/speed also.


MW2-Rush Still getting a PS4, probably, after that, I hope the prices go down, then I might get me the Xbox One, just to have it.

It wouldn't be bad to have both of the consoles. I will be getting the PS4 on launch regardless though. They both looks extremely appealing


Busselton 192Gb at the highest, Jesus Christ thats unbelievable haha

I know! I nearly shat myself. I can't wait, and if they keep giving out more good news like this, it might just crush the PS4. :D

Ehh not exactly. PS4 was originally leading in sales but I don't know who is leading in sales now. I'm sure these two consoles will be very close for a long time.

I agree. they will both be close competitors. Closer than the Xbox360 and PS3 in my opinion. Microsoft may be gaining back their popularity but Sony still has a chance


Busselton 192Gb at the highest, Jesus Christ thats unbelievable haha

I know! I nearly shat myself. I can't wait, and if they keep giving out more good news like this, it might just crush the PS4. :D

Ehh not exactly. PS4 was originally leading in sales but I don't know who is leading in sales now. I'm sure these two consoles will be very close for a long time.


No matter what Microsoft does, I am still buying the One


-Live They are either changing the hardware or they gave out false tech specs. I'm thinking false tech specs because it would be disatrous to change hardware that late before the consoles release but that could be why the console had so few console pre-order slots.

This is good, atleast they are making they're **** faster but it would make the consoles about identical now except for having DDR3 RAM in there, they may say they had GDDR5 ram later too but I don't know.

Spoken like a true person that has no idea.

They never gave out false information, they just didn't know that with further testing the silicon could perform better than they'd hoped. As for changing to gddr5, no, just no.

i agree if they wanted gddr5 they would have to totally redesign the motherboard to take it and i dont think that would be easy as ps4 is the first console to have it, take it this way you cant even use it in a current computer at the moment so it aint going to happen. however in the future if they remake the console the could upgrade the ram as it becomes more common and demanding

GDDR5 RAM has been in computer graphics cards since 2008, there is a difference between DDR5 and GDDR5 RAM.


Busselton 192Gb at the highest, Jesus Christ thats unbelievable haha

I know! I nearly shat myself. I can't wait, and if they keep giving out more good news like this, it might just crush the PS4. :D

The PS4 wont get "crushed". Their both good consoles, they sell neck-on-neck!