No off switch for Sony's DualShock 4 lightbar

Even in the name of battery life, it will remain on

President of Sony's worldwide studios Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed via Twitter that the lightbar on the DualShock 4 controller cannot be turned off.

The lightbar on the PS4 controller is used with the PlayStation camera to detect motion control in the same way as Move controllers, and can be used by developers to increase the game's experience, such as the way it works as a health bar in Killzone: Shadow Fall.

The lightbar, however, cannot be switched off, as Yoshida confirmed on Twitter. Responding to a question on whether the lightbar can be deactivated in order to conserve the controller's battery, Yoshida simply stated "no."

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"No off switch for Sony's DualShock 4 lightbar" :: Login/Create an Account :: 85 comments

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Pretty stupid tbh, I mean, lets be honest, it gonna get annoying :P


This is going to start to get on my nerves after a while. I guess if its important enough, it is good to have always on.


ExoticWolfs I like the lightbar. :D It looks cool, I wouldn't mind it being on 24/7...

It will be really cool at the start but i could picture it becoming an annoyance after you have used the console for a while.

it looks cool but it may get annoying


I imagine they've designed it so it won't take up hardly any battery power, otherwise it'd be one of the most pointless things they could have done.


ExoticWolfs I like the lightbar. :D It looks cool, I wouldn't mind it being on 24/7...

It will be really cool at the start but i could picture it becoming an annoyance after you have used the console for a while.


agentbutters How hard is it to make an off switch?

Ok then a ps4 controller, learn how it is assembled, install an ON/OFF switch then sell it on for profit....neat little business idea for you


While this may not be a problem with many people i could see this really messing with me. I may simply cover it with electrical tape or something along those lines


Im buying the Xbox One, however this should not matter the light will probably look sick why would people care if it can turn off or not


lol who really cares about if its on or off?


ExoticWolfs I like the lightbar. :D It looks cool, I wouldn't mind it being on 24/7...

Yeah, it does look like a nice add on.