Petition wants Microsoft to bring back Xbox One's DRM

A petition on wants Microsoft to bring back the original DRM policies for the Xbox One, saying to "give us back the Xbox One we were promised at E3". The petition cites how the original policies would have made the Xbox One's game store and library like "Steam for Xbox", but "consumers were uninformed" which eventually lead to the DRM policies being reversed.

"This was to be the future of entertainment. A new wave of gaming where you could buy games digitally, then trade, share or sell those digital licenses. Essentially, it was Steam for Xbox. But consumers were uninformed, and railed against it, and it was taken away because Sony took advantage of consumers uncertainty.

We want this back. It can't be all or nothing, there must be a compromise."

This petition follows Microsoft's reversal of their original DRM policies for the Xbox One. Controversially, the Xbox One originally needed to connect to the internet every 24 hours to verify that multiple users weren't accessing the one copy of a game; games that would have been permanently linked to your account, stored on your console or in the cloud, and shareable with up to 10 other people.

Following Sony's announcement that the PS4 wouldn't have always-online or game sharing restrictions at E3, and a public outcry from "uninformed" members of the public, Microsoft reversed these policies. This means that the console essentially operates the same as the Xbox 360, where games are not linked to your account and still require the physical disc to play.

Currently the petition has around 6,000 supporters out of a needed 7,500.

Related Forum: Xbox Forum



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You people who complained about the DRM and then started to bitch about piss me the hell off.


Ero I want them back. I loved most of them. The DRM was the best.

When the DRM was out everyone wanted it gone. Including you

Microsoft takes away the DRM then everyone is happy then you get the retards that say put it back on


I hope the DRM comes back, all of the whining that commenced after the word of DRM was ridiculous. I'd love to see all of the tears again haha.


please make a petition for it to stay the way it is


ok so i usually don't post on news forums but this is ridiculous whoever follows me some one make a petition for the DRM to stay the same.

btw i don't like steam never will.


bigchukka Anyone that signs this has issues.
It's not living in the past wanting no DRM.
The Negatives out weigh the positives.

You want loads of restrictions so you can have a digital library "not moving of the couch"

I'm pretty sure I don't have 'issues', I am willing to accept the future. "If you do not accept the future you will be left behind" -Sean Parker

They can do the digital library without DRM and other restrictions. It's just a simple feature it's NOT the future. If you believe a online library is the future your living in the past.


I shall quote again, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you will have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future." -Steve Jobs

No wonder he isn't here today

That is by far the worst comment I have ever seen on this website.
I used to think the fanboys attacking eachother were bad.

Are you really going to mock someone who is dead? You most likely own one of the devices that Steve Jobs' company created.
You should be ashamed of yourself, I'm 15 years old and know better than that.
Don't try and act like some angsty kid who's angry at the world and is so controversial. Disrespecting dead people is wrong, regardless of who it is.

Jesus don't blow up at me were not in Boston XD

You're like one of those kids on CoD that scream profanities when they die, but when they kill someone tell them that they are terrible.
There's a difference between being funny and being downright disrespectful. How would you feel if a family member or friend was at Boston that day? Think before you type, keyboard warrior.

I just have a different taste in humor than you nothing wrong with that

I gotta admit. That Boston one was good.

on the other hand whoever signs this needs their heads testing

Oh great RATF is here.


Ero I want them back. I loved most of them. The DRM was the best.

When the DRM was out everyone wanted it gone. Including you


bigchukka Anyone that signs this has issues.
It's not living in the past wanting no DRM.
The Negatives out weigh the positives.

You want loads of restrictions so you can have a digital library "not moving of the couch"

I'm pretty sure I don't have 'issues', I am willing to accept the future. "If you do not accept the future you will be left behind" -Sean Parker

They can do the digital library without DRM and other restrictions. It's just a simple feature it's NOT the future. If you believe a online library is the future your living in the past.


I shall quote again, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you will have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future." -Steve Jobs

No wonder he isn't here today

That is by far the worst comment I have ever seen on this website.
I used to think the fanboys attacking eachother were bad.

Are you really going to mock someone who is dead? You most likely own one of the devices that Steve Jobs' company created.
You should be ashamed of yourself, I'm 15 years old and know better than that.
Don't try and act like some angsty kid who's angry at the world and is so controversial. Disrespecting dead people is wrong, regardless of who it is.

Jesus don't blow up at me were not in Boston XD

You're like one of those kids on CoD that scream profanities when they die, but when they kill someone tell them that they are terrible.
There's a difference between being funny and being downright disrespectful. How would you feel if a family member or friend was at Boston that day? Think before you type, keyboard warrior.

I just have a different taste in humor than you nothing wrong with that

I gotta admit. That Boston one was good.

on the other hand whoever signs this needs their heads testing


I want them back. I loved most of them. The DRM was the best.


The most corrupt part about this is that I bet a good fraction of those supporters aren't even Xbox players, but they are just people who want to see the Xbox One fall.