Saint’s Row 4 DLC: ‘Enter the Dominatrix’ due after launch

Saint’s Row 4 developer Volition Inc has confirmed that the game’s first DLC pack ‘Enter the Dominatrix’ will launch within 45 days of the game’s August release. It takes the form of a mockumentary starring the game’s cast.

Enter the Dominatrix was originally coined as a DLC pack for Saint’s Row The Third, but the concept of players fighting aliens in a virtual world was expanded into Saint’s Row 4.

During a Comic-Con panel, Volition studio head Steve Jaros confirmed that the Enter the Dominatrix DLC will focus on behind-the-scenes footage featuring the game’s characters as they jokingly discuss why the expansion concept was cut and re-purposed into a full game.

Last night we reported that Saint’s Row 4 originally ended on a Bollywood-style song and dance routine, but during the panel Jaros added that it was scrapped. Read up on it here.

Saint’s Row 4 hits PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 across Europe on August 23 and in North America on August 20.

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"Saint’s Row 4 DLC: ‘Enter the Dominatrix’ due after launch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 55 comments

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Wagering DLC, also known as completed content they leave out of the game so you can pay for it later...

It's sad but true. I bet games like Cod do it as well.

CoD has actually left out many camos which are now returning inside of the coding. They are now being sold because there was "no other way for a player to unlock them".


Planning the DLC before the game has been released?
Hm, why not just include it with the game?


Wagering DLC, also known as completed content they leave out of the game so you can pay for it later...

It's sad but true. I bet games like Cod do it as well.

Sadly, your right. -.-


This sort of DLC is bull. They should have this stuff already in the game. I hate devs that pull off this shit. If you release a massive expansion pack months of years after the release that is fine.


This game is going to crash really bad.


Wagering DLC, also known as completed content they leave out of the game so you can pay for it later...

It's sad but true. I bet games like Cod do it as well.


-Wub I'm not to sure about SR:4 because I didn't like the 3rd.

Saints row 4 is completely different

I thought the 3rd one was great. And i wouldnt say its completely different.... it looks kinda the same...


Wagering DLC, also known as completed content they leave out of the game so you can pay for it later...
Hahahah well said bro :)

I agree. Its annoying that theh do this


Wagering DLC, also known as completed content they leave out of the game so you can pay for it later...
Hahahah well said bro :)


DLC, also known as completed content they leave out of the game so you can pay for it later...