Xbox Enforcement United is Microsoft's new player-run police squad

Xbox Enforcement United, as it's tentatively called, allows Xbox Live Gold players to provide input on whether other players violate the Xbox code of conduct. The program will start with Gamertags, allowing volunteers to decide, through a compiled algorithm, whether certain names are offensive and violate Xbox rules.

"Members who join the Enforcement United beta will participate by providing their opinions on whether particular content, initially Gamertags, violate the Xbox Live Code of Conduct," Microsoft writes. "These decisions from participants feed into an algorithm our team developed. That algorithm takes several factors into account like how many participants believe there had been a violation and how reliably those individual members' historical decisions aligned with the general consensus."

The system then decides whether the violator in question needs to change his Gamertag, or if it should go to an official Microsoft enforcer for review. Enforcement United launches alongside the new Xbox Community Level, which rewards players for participating in services such as Xbox Live Ambassadors and Enforcement United.

This is a different step than the proposed reputation system for Xbox One, which pits troublesome players with troublesome players in a separate matchmaking layer online.

Beta can be found at

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"Xbox Enforcement United is Microsoft's new player-run police squad" :: Login/Create an Account :: 138 comments

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I'm gong to go try this


Sea_Angler I have just done this, I have just reviewed 100 Gamertags.

Quite a lot, must've taken a while :D


I just think certain people who are messing around will just tick every negative thing for the lolz, even tho there is nothing funny about it whatsoever.


I'll probably stay on my 360 for awhile. :/


Well it says I need to sign in. So I click sign in and it brings me to the Xbox website and I'm already signed in. Then I go back to the Enforcement website and doesn't say I'm signed in... Well I guess it's in Beta but it would be nice if I could at least try it.


I keep getting an "LoginError" for some reason.


It keeps saying I am no a XBLA member when I am.


Sounds nice, I think Ima try to sign up!


I have just done this, I have just reviewed 100 Gamertags.


I dont like this...