10th prestige mod working once again plus others


Did you think it was over? well we are happy to say we have found away around the patch we are able to do 10th boosting in 10 kills once again and we are also able to do all past mods again in ranked it is a very simple bypass and we wont we letting it before you ask hit the forums for an invite



"10th prestige mod working once again plus others" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2578 comments

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Mr Quackers hit me up when you do this


yo dude if u get the chance inv me GT: SAW TOOTH PIIMP


yo nice job im on right now if u can ill like help with 10th prestige


ya the next time you have one plz invite me if im on. my gamer tag is milo42087 exactly as i put it so ya


sick i thought it was all patched up so i stoped trying now i found this vid i have hope again send me a friend request at Xx SiDe eFx xX


gamertag is N1NJA SP0NGEB0B can u invite iam on now


hi invite pls gt: jonnymaster1996


Looking for someone to do 10th prestige glitch for me i got 1600 my GT: Fruitsalad77.


hey invite me please! GT: bball23o

i am trying to get my friends 10th prestige im already invite thanks


hey my GT is MGK NOFEARengy invite me asap im usualy on 24/7 ty