Xbox One 'Season Pass Guarantee' carries over supported 360 DLC

The Season Pass Guarantee allows players to receive Xbox 360 season pass content on Xbox One for free, if they own the game on both consoles. Microsoft announced the program today, noting that EA, Activision and Ubisoft have signed up for the program. Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 will include the Season Pass Guarantee.

Activision and EA revealed earlier today that Ghosts and BF4, respectively, will be able to share season pass content from current-gen to next-gen systems – including from Playstation 3 to Playstation 4. There's no word if Playstation has a similar first-party season pass system in the works.

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"Xbox One 'Season Pass Guarantee' carries over supported 360 DLC" :: Login/Create an Account :: 65 comments

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Ranzee What can you get with the BF Season Pass? I thought they did DLC free? I know you buy them server things..

What? An EA game with free DLC? What world do you live in? Did you not buy BF3? Unless you bought Premium (a.k.a. the season pass), all DLC cost you 1200 Microsoft points. Only Back to Karkand was really free, if you got the limited edition.

Didn't they give out a free DLC like 2 months ago or something?

yep close quarters was free


I'm glad to see they are implementing this.


Ranzee What can you get with the BF Season Pass? I thought they did DLC free? I know you buy them server things..

What? An EA game with free DLC? What world do you live in? Did you not buy BF3? Unless you bought Premium (a.k.a. the season pass), all DLC cost you 1200 Microsoft points. Only Back to Karkand was really free, if you got the limited edition.

Didn't they give out a free DLC like 2 months ago or something?


MoDOT So seasons passes will carry over to the new xbox from the 360?

That's pretty much what the article says.


Inkd Another great announcement from Microsoft. So happy they are going in the right direction.

Not so much. We have a buy arcade titles again which is something I rather than. We have to pay for Minecraft again.

I find that pretty stupid how we have to buy games over again. It's just a cheap way for microsoft to get more money out of you.

I find that if you already own a title for the Xbox 360 you should be able to get that title for free on the Xbox One. It's kind of disappointing that Microsoft thinks otherwise


Inkd Another great announcement from Microsoft. So happy they are going in the right direction.

Not so much. We have a buy arcade titles again which is something I rather than. We have to pay for Minecraft again.

I find that pretty stupid how we have to buy games over again. It's just a cheap way for microsoft to get more money out of you.


nice idea microsoft


Inkd Another great announcement from Microsoft. So happy they are going in the right direction.

Not so much. We have a buy arcade titles again which is something I rather than. We have to pay for Minecraft again.


Another great announcement from Microsoft. So happy they are going in the right direction.


So seasons passes will carry over to the new xbox from the 360?