Xbox One pre-orders placed beyond August 15 not guaranteed for launch

Amazon UK has sold out its allocation of Xbox One’s Day One Edition. It has now warned customers that orders that were placed for the Standard Edition after August 15 “will be received after release date.”

An update on the Amazon UK site states: “Please note – due to high demand, we are now out of stock of the Day One Edition Xbox One console and will not be taking further orders.” Orders for the Standard Edition are still being accepted, but these are not guaranteed to be available on launch day.

As things stand, GAME still appears to have Day One Editions available.

So, if you want one on launch day, it might be time to hurry.

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"Xbox One pre-orders placed beyond August 15 not guaranteed for launch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 62 comments

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read the first two words...yes its just for the UK


If you preorder at gamestop you're not guaranteed anything. They can sell your console even if preordered.


This is just in the UK right?


Meh, I know the stores around me will have some in stock.


Thank god this is only amazon... I pre ordered directly from microsoft.


Does this apply to the Xbox One Day One edition pre orders from the Xbox 360 dashboard? I pre ordered the 17th of August.


walmart will be having preorders starting august 24 for consoles, controllers, and games. it will be in layaway where you will have to put 10% down and i believe it should be there by launch day. if there day one editions or not the paper dosent specify but there will be preorders for both consoles.


good thing i already ordered it!


They'll be widely available on launch day in the UK, even Blockbuster is selling the day One edition.


UFOs well thats unreliable just do not take orders if you cannot fulfil them

Well they were but they got so many that it is impossible to keep up so now they're not taking them from certain places