Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer spotlights Clans mode

Infinity Ward has released a new Call of Duty: Ghosts gameplay video that explains how the game's new Clans system works.

Players can create online clans and participate in Clan vs. Clan matches, or take part in a new Clan Wars meta game, as the video below explains.

The video also mentions that Clans can now be cross platform, but this is somewhat misleading. Players will be able to join Clans with friends regardless of whether they play on Xbox, PlayStation or PC, but this only allows them to earn Clan XP for "exclusive unlocks and multiplayer XP bonuses".

Cross-platform Clan functionality does not allow for multiplayer matches with players on other platforms.

Publisher Activision has confirmed a Call of Duty: Ghosts release date of November 5 on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and PC. The game will also be a launch title on Xbox One and PS4 later in the month.

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"Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer spotlights Clans mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 72 comments

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Immerse Definitely a cool idea, and can't wait to see how it unveils. But, there's just something I'm kinda wondering.

He said about "Cross Platform Clans" Does this mean people from let's say PC can play with Xbox players? Or you can just join the clan if you're playing on a different platform?

Just as the article says above the video, the game itself will not be cross-platform. It is just saying people from different platforms can be in your clan and can help you unlock clan items and whatnot.

Thank you, I just don't think people read anymore.


Immerse Definitely a cool idea, and can't wait to see how it unveils. But, there's just something I'm kinda wondering.

He said about "Cross Platform Clans" Does this mean people from let's say PC can play with Xbox players? Or you can just join the clan if you're playing on a different platform?

Just as the article says above the video, the game itself will not be cross-platform. It is just saying people from different platforms can be in your clan and can help you unlock clan items and whatnot.


Definitely a cool idea, and can't wait to see how it unveils. But, there's just something I'm kinda wondering.

He said about "Cross Platform Clans" Does this mean people from let's say PC can play with Xbox players? Or you can just join the clan if you're playing on a different platform?


xsuperxsmashx Looks like mw3 but with new game modes/maps/animations........ i think ill wait this one out till its pre owned. Gta should keep me busy till the end of the year.

Have you actually watched any of the cod ghosts vids its nothing like mw3.

Same jelly on screen when shot, same animations when killed, silenced guns sound the same, same explosions..... You obviously havent watched the videos. the only thing thats a noticeable change is the kill feed appearing in the top right hand corner, otherwise its same gameplay with couple new features.


E-T Call of duty seems to be adding more stuff they don't need. I like cod 4 the best simplicity is key

Idk I think this will enhance the game just enough

Yeah, I also think this game will be like the cod 4 of next gens that's why I'm happy

I would prefer it to be like mw2 of next-gen

Either or, just a matter of opinion.

I just wish they could find that old spark they had

It might be here, the maps have to be good or they'll be no spark :(

Well since it's just iw I have faith in em


E-T Call of duty seems to be adding more stuff they don't need. I like cod 4 the best simplicity is key

Idk I think this will enhance the game just enough

Yeah, I also think this game will be like the cod 4 of next gens that's why I'm happy

I would prefer it to be like mw2 of next-gen

Either or, just a matter of opinion.

I just wish they could find that old spark they had

It might be here, the maps have to be good or they'll be no spark :(


Cross platform clan fights will be epic. Can kick all my PS3 friends asses :b


E-T Call of duty seems to be adding more stuff they don't need. I like cod 4 the best simplicity is key

Idk I think this will enhance the game just enough

Yeah, I also think this game will be like the cod 4 of next gens that's why I'm happy

I would prefer it to be like mw2 of next-gen

Either or, just a matter of opinion.


E-T Call of duty seems to be adding more stuff they don't need. I like cod 4 the best simplicity is key

Idk I think this will enhance the game just enough

Yeah, I also think this game will be like the cod 4 of next gens that's why I'm happy

I would prefer it to be like mw2 of next-gen


E-T Call of duty seems to be adding more stuff they don't need. I like cod 4 the best simplicity is key

Idk I think this will enhance the game just enough

Yeah, I also think this game will be like the cod 4 of next gens that's why I'm happy