Mark Cerny discusses the making of PS4

Sony has released a video interview with PS4 lead system architect Mark Cerny, who discusses the making of the next-gen console.

In the video, Cerny answers the questions of PlayStation community members, starting with a focus on the PS4 hardware, and later discussing Knack - the PS4 launch title also directed by Cerny.

Sony has confirmed a PS4 launch date of November 15 in US and November 29 in Europe and Latin America

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"Mark Cerny discusses the making of PS4" :: Login/Create an Account :: 19 comments

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I want the PS4, and then I don't. I want the Xbox One just as much as much but idk. Life is confusing to me right now.


gtapro151 dam for 6 years they been thinking ps4 just had to through somthing togather and thats why its getting 720p lol

You should check out the commercial that goes through all the playstations from 1 - 4, very interesting!

FibreOp PS4 is going to be awesome. Both consoles have advantages and disadvantages but one thing I really like about XbOne is skype...
I agree the skype seems so cool!


dam for 6 years they been thinking ps4 just had to through somthing togather and thats why its getting 720p lol


This guy has a voice like Attenborough, I'd have no problem for either of them to read me a story while I fall asleep haha


PS4 is going to be awesome. Both consoles have advantages and disadvantages but one thing I really like about XbOne is skype...


The PS4 i gonna be worth the money, it has really good exclusives and the price is good too.


I like both consoles but both have disadvantages and advantaged, id get an xbox if I had the money, but ps4 does grab you with the price point.


I still think the Xbox ONE will be better....


Looks amazing, not long to go now!